The vanished kigdom-Plan

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Hours had passed since the fire. Audrey now sat inside a damp cave. She wasn’t quite thrilled by the atmosphere, almost made her feel as if she was some cave man, and soon she would also start looking like one if she still continued to wear the same clothes. The cave was small, but enough to occupy a couple people. Every edge Audrey looked at was moss, and the floor was filled with dirt. Luckily enough though, they found a stream where they could all cleanse themselves up in. Audrey needed the wash, even if the stream contained contaminants and bacteria that wasn’t as safe or healthy as a normal wash in a tub. After they had escaped from the house, Audrey started to notice her burnt hair, and ashy skin, so the stream definitely helped to wash that out.

In the house they had found the exit which was an open window in which all the people tried pushing themselves through. Approximately half the men had died from the fire, but nobody had bothered to go back in the house and take them out so they could take their body for burial. Most had just kept running. The men that did survive split up, so some went with Audrey and Ace, while others just scattered into somewhere that Audrey did not know.  

In the cave there were five people, Audrey, Ace, and three other men with the names Edgar, Thomas and Gill. Audrey had nothing to do so she found some information about the men. For one thing, Edgar was good at hunting; he found a deer that they were cooking on top of a fire. Thomas had a lot of stories to share; Audrey was kept busy with listening to all his stories about the numerous amounts of pets he had kept. And Gill kept good guard of the cave in case the rebels found them. It turned out that the fire was started by a north spy who had found their meeting spot.

“So, the one thing I still never got is what my parents did that made the people have so much repugnance with my family. I mean, it doesn’t seem as if the speech was the only thing that made the people unhappy, the speech just seemed to trigger this rebellion, but their must’ve been something else that was done wrong,” Audrey took a deep breath after saying what she had just said to Ace.

Ace looked at her straight in the eye before he started explaining, “Your parents, I’m sorry to say, were quite the selfish bastards,” Audrey seemed taken aback by his words, “I’m sorry, coming from a North’s perspective I don’t quite like them very much…”

“Why don’t I just explain from the start, alright?” Thomas pitched in, “many years ago when the north was independent, the king wanted the north land, so then obviously there was a war and your father won meaning he received the north land. However, the land was also sort of purposely handed over to the king. The north would have won if the leader of the north hadn’t surrendered the land to the king even though the north had a fair chance against the south. This was because the king had promised the leader protection and support to the land and people as the north was suffering and needed the help to sustain a living.”

“And then your father had a treaty with the leader that he would help the land but he then -” Ace snapped back but was interrupted.

“Let me finish will ya?” Thomas glared at Ace, “anyways as I was saying, your parents saw an opportunity with the north land that the north didn’t notice; their land had resources, and so the royals kind of, um, lets say, used the north. A while ago when the council building burned it was because some norths had already realised they were getting used. Your parent’s took much of their land and started adding mine fields and taking out their natural resources so they could use and flourish the south with it. While the only thing the king gave back to the north was to help stabilise the economy of the north which didn’t even take much effort.

And a couple weeks ago the norths government had passed away. And the treaty your parents had signed would only be valid for as long as the government lived. The treaty had also claimed that whoever sat the highest in rank after the government passed away could take control of both the north and south. Now one thing I never understood is how your parents must’ve tricked the government into signing the treaty. Obviously the government was to know that they were waiting for the death of  him so after he passed away they could take the throne.

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