The Vanished Kingdom-kidnapped!

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Audrey sat on the corner of her room staring at the high ceilings. She might have not been the perfect princess that everybody expected of her to be, but she knew she had duties. She was one out of a thousand girls who actually got to be born a princess. And if she liked being eighteen or not, it was time for her to take control of some things, help her parents out. Taking a deep breath, Audrey got up and went downstairs. She found her mother making orders for the evening dinner and dresses. Audrey didn't like giving speeches, but she was going to go to her mother anyways, telling her she was ready. Giving long boring speeches was a talent her family was destined to, but in Audrey's case, she always got nervous and had a bit of stage fright.

"Mom, I think I'm ready to give a speech," Audrey timidly said.

The queen slowly turned around with a smile on her face,"of course you will dear. I already made your speech, follow me I'll show it to you. But um...thanks for agreeing to it considering you can be a nervous wreck sometimes when it comes to giving speeches."

Her mother led her to the large study room. She carefully opened a drawer which contained a large envelope.

"The last time this speech was read was when your fathers mother turned eighteen. After that a few adjustments were made, and the paper obviously changed. Though a couple of days ago, we made another page, never been heard before. So take a look at it, read it, and memorize, good luck."

The queen left, having a busy schedule ahead of her. Audrey took the slip of paper out and read it over. The first paper just introduced the history of the city and kingdom. Also it told about the new responsibilities Audrey would have to take from now on. But the second paper wasn't what Audrey expected. It wasn't something she was sure about, but she knew that her parents knew what they were doing. She bit her lip, she knew she shouldn't question her parents decisions, but something was not right about the speech, in fact, it was more of a law.

At six o'clock PM, every body in the kingdom was rushing. The maids were cleaning up any dust they could see, while the cooks made there final touches they could make on the turkey and pudding. The queen and king were ready, but were waiting for the princess so they could head outside. Upstairs, Audrey pulled her curtains to a side and nervously stared at the crowd. People from all over the city were slowly gathering together. Never had Audrey seen a crowd so big, it made her nervous. She wiped a sweat bead out of her forehead, remembering to show confidence. Audrey then gingerly head downstairs where her parents a awaited her.

"Audrey honey, are you ready?" Her mom asked kindly.

"Yeah, I'm fine mom," Audrey reassured her nonchalantly.

Audrey irresolutely headed outside, with her parents following right behind her, where they met with the crowd. Audrey was startled and blinked when reporters took heavy flashes of her for the newspaper. The crowd whistled and cheered, Audrey's parents waved there hands elegantly in the air, which made the people silent. The queen slowly walked to the podium.

"Today we are celebrating my daughters eighteenth birthday as you may know already. But today is not just a day of celebrating, it is also a day where princess Audrey will have more duties and will take on a much higher role in the kingdom, so with all due respect, please welcome princess Audrey."

The people clapped as Audrey nervously stepped on the podium, while her mother stood back at her place.

"Hello everybody, my name is Audrey, as you know already. Today I would like to start off by telling you how this kingdom started. It was in...."

And Audrey went on telling the past and what she would like to contribute to the kingdom. Her voice cracked at some points and her heart thumped loudly but she kept on going. After the first speech everybody clapped, but when it was time for the second speech Audrey became hesitant. Her mom nodded for her to go on.

Audrey turned back to the crowd and smiled, "we have also made decisions which I would like to announce. Firstly, my parents have worked tremendously hard for the city. But as we all know, if things want to grow better in south Claristin than," Audrey stuttered, "than north Claristin would have to be out of the tax usage range. As in, no more of building there, or helping in any way. Most of us already know, that things are rough at that side if town. In our part, we have helped restore some of the civilization there. Though, after the devastating fire that occurred in the council building for north Claristin, we have found it unsafe to contribute our part anymore. Further more, the gates shall be shut between south and north Claristin in a few days, we don't want any hassle between the two parts. But the taxes will still be taken, starting this Monday. Thank you."

Audrey stepped out of the podium and head to her parents, mean while, whole of south Claristin that was gathered that night, cheered.

"Good job Audrey," the queen whispered to Audrey.

The king said a few last ending sentences, and then the crowd receded when the royal family went back inside.

There was a feast that was held in the grand dining room after the speech. The great leaders and friends of the king and queen were seated at the table. First there was the main meal which was served, a large turkey with cranberry sauce and gravy. Everybody also got a wine glass, with a very small amount of wine in it. This time Audrey also got a cup of it for the first time. But when she tried it, it tasted bitter, so she left it after her first sip.

"My royal princess, I completely loved your speech," a strong, about fifty year old man said.

Audrey smiled and thanked him. But she didn't recognize him. Usually the same people would always come to the feast, but that day there were a few unfamiliar faces.

"So have you thought of that marriage yet?" The same man asked again.

Audrey looked at her mother, who looked a bit worried.

"Surely you know that your coming to an age where you would have to think of such  things. In fact, every guy in town is waiting for your thought about them," the man told her.

"I'm sorry, I forget to mention Audrey that this man has a child, and he is someone from that list I made for who you could marry," the queen said with hope that Audrey would agree to it.

Audrey looked beside the man and saw a boy who looked like the man she was talking to, but the boy was a younger version of him.

"You can give him a try, see if you like it. He's strong, brave, and has the strength of a bull," the man looked at his son with an approving smile.

"I think I'm just not ready, I'm sorry but you'll have to excuse me for a moment," Audrey politely excused herself and told them that she had to use the bathroom.

Audrey could tell that her mom knew her real reason to be excused. All Audrey wanted to have was time, things were going to fast for her. And living with a bull? She didn't even know that boy, or care if he was strong.

Audrey went outside in the dark sky, but stayed inside the palace grounds. She sat down for a moment when small rock hit her. She rubbed her cheek for that was where the rock landed. She look at the direction the rock came from, it was from over the large fence. She thought it was probably one of her friends calling her. She waited a bit longer to see if they would come near the fence where she could see them. But seconds past, and another rock flew over, landing on the same spot.

"Ugh, do you have to land there! Someone's desperate to get me, but why can't they just come in?" Audrey wondered.

Annoyed, Audrey decided to go out and find them. But she couldn't go from the main entrance or the guards would ask her parents for permission to let her out. So Audrey snuck under the fence where there were no guards. That was the area where Audrey always went under to secretly come out of the castle grounds. It was a hole under the ground that a dog had once dug. But it was a small space, only someone slim could slide under. Audrey had trouble going through because of the large dress, but somehow managed to get under. When she got to the other side, she ran to where the rocks were being thrown.

When she got to that area she whispered,"Gabrielle, April? Is that you."

Suddenly, from behind Audrey came a blind fold that covered Audrey's face! She muffled a scream but she wasn't loud enough.

"We got you princess!" A husky voice said behind her.

Things went pretty quickly and just a moment later she blacked out and was dragged away.

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