The vanished kingdom-18th birthday

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There once was a kingdom far, far away...well not too far, more like a long time ago. Although even though this kingdom was by far the most popular at the time, it has not been mentioned for decades now. Some people even forget of its existence. And as generations went on, it was no longer a hot topic. There used to be gossips such as,"the princess is wearing a poshy dress today," or even,"the princess is so gonna be marrying my son," or something that was really improbable like that.

But as you can see, the main attraction was the princess. Since she was the only daughter she got a lot of attention, but also a lot of pressure. See, being the princess is not an easy job, you have big responsibilities, and not everyone is in favour with you. And the reason I will tell you this story, is not because it was just about a kingdom with princesses marrying other people's sons, or because she wore poshy clothing, but because of the decisions she made (or more likely the decisions that were made without much of her input.) It was in a city and kingdom called Claristin, which was on a large island just off Britain. I'll start off this story by when the princess turned 18, since that is when her life took a complete twist.

Princess Audrey was asleep in her bed when a maid came in the room. Mary, her private maid/tutor/ many other things, came inside and started dusting the shelf's in Audrey's room. Suddenly the princess peeped one eye open, suspecting someone in the room.

"Who are you, intruder?" Audrey asked with a smirk on her face.

"Oh Audrey, don't be rubbish, you know who I am," the bubbly and stout maid told her.

Audrey quickly got up, "Mary, you're in my room, and this early in the morning," she said suspiciously.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but I just wanted to wish you happy birthday! Oh today is such an important day for you, and I just want to tell you," she said while wiping a tear off her face, "I'm just so proud of you."

Audrey put on her best fake smile she could muster, "thanks Mary, but if you would mind, I need my beauty rest just this once on my birthday."

"Of course...not," Mary was caring as well as strict.

Audrey sighed. "The queen is expecting you at seven o'clock sharp, so I'll give you 15 minutes to get ready, then you're down."

And with that, she shut the door, Audrey gave her a "I'm on it" look, but as the door went shut, she fell back into the bed.

As she was resting herself for the big day ahead of her, she still had sharp ears with her that heard every bit of conversation about her.

"Did you wake her?" The queen asked Mary worriedly.

"Yes, just as you said my lady, she will be here in fifteen minutes," Mary reassured her.

"I don't want to burden her with all the things ahead if her, but she will have to start taking things more seriously from now onwards." The queen told Mary, then left for the breakfast hall.

The queens real name was Meredith. She was a brunette and usually put her hair in a bun. Over the years she had aged and grown only a few small wrinkles, which she tried to hide. Her dresses were always long, and sometimes frilly. She was also slim, like Audrey and had a small face, with a pointed chin. She had warm hazelnut brown eyes, and a small slim nose. The queen took a seat beside the King and waited at the breakfast table.

Five minutes, than ten then twenty minuets past. Finally the queen decided to check on Audrey, but she sat back down when she heard fast footsteps coming down.

"Sorry mother, I was uh," Audrey looked at all the disappointed faces and decided it was best not to make an excuse up.

Audrey had wavy golden hair 'till the middle of her shoulders and elbows, and her eyes were the colour of bright green grass. She wore a green and brown long and puffy dress, which she hated, but sacrifices had to be made, especially on her birthday. Everybody stared at her as she took a seat. Breakfast was being served and there was the usual eggs and toast, but that day there was tinkel berry jam too. A very rare berry in the jam, that doesn't grow anymore, but it was Audrey's favourite type of jam. After they were done, the queen looked at Audrey straight in the eyes, and everybody became silent.

"Listen Audrey, we want to tell you that we wish you a happy birthday, but things are going to be more exiting this year, we can spice it up a bit," the queen said enthusiastically.

"Mom, just get to the point, tell me all that rubbish I have to do, and all those boring speeches I have to give," Audrey roughly told her mom.

The queens smile faded, "it's not rubbish! You have to start taking responsibility, and this evening is very important, as you will be giving a speech. A speech everyone will be listening to, and they expect a lot from you, and so do I. Also I have made your marriage arrangements."

Before Audrey could argue the queen quickly followed," but of course you can choose for which man you want to marry. But it has to be from my list of men I made for you."

"Mom, I'm turning eighteen, this is too young, all my friends are planning to marry when tthey're like what? Twenty, twenty five? And plus I don't want to marry a bossy and difficult prince!" I complained.

"Firstly you get to be the first of your friends to get married, I'm sure they would just be jealous," the queen implied. Audrey rolled her eyes.

"And secondly, I made a long list, so there's a huge variety. I just made a list so you wouldn't marry a man unworthy of being a prince," the queen argued back.

Audrey was still not persuaded, she didn't like the idea of marrying, and today she had planned to spend time with her friends, not giving speeches. Audrey, not knowing what to say, got up and headed back upstairs.

"Audrey, come back here!" The king commanded her.

"Just leave her, she'll come back soon enough." The queen whispered back to her husband.

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