The vanished kingdom-betrayed

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"Yes? May I help you?" The woman asked curiously.

"We are looking for Audrey, the princess," the leader had come forward and told the woman.

Darcy gave the man a puzzled look, "I'm sorry I'm not quite sure what you are talking about. Well she didn't come here if that's what you mean."

Then from behind the husband joked out, "but if you find the princess save us the head to kill!"

The woman shot her husband a look that made him quiet. The woman quickly closed the door and head back to the table.

"What Darcy honey? Did I say anything wrong?" The man asked laughing innocently.

"I don't trust those men. And how can you even talk about killing people in front of the children?" Darcy asked in a hushed tone.

Everyone slowly got up from the table and headed back to their business. Audrey had sat back up and stayed sitting on the table.

"Amelia dear, can you help me with the dishes?" Darcy asked while taking the plates into the kitchen.

"Um ok," Audrey thought as she had never helped in the kitchen before.

She awkwardly stepped into the kitchen and stared at the piled up dirty dishes in the basin.

"Yes you can just take that sponge and rub it, than keep it on the rack," the woman said while putting the garbage into a bag.

For Audrey's first time cleaning dishes, their wasn't much information given. But Audrey came to the sink and picked up a plate with the tips of her pointer and middle finger, and looked at it with disgust before she took the sponge with her nails. It was hard using the sponge with only the tips of her fingers, but Audrey didn't want to touch any part of the muck that filled the plate. Minutes past and she finally finished rinsing a plate and put it proudly on the rack.

"Amelia are you done with the dishes?" Audrey heard Darcy call from the table, the woman was done cleaning the table.

If only the woman knew that she wasn't meant to clean. In fact it had taken her minutes to clean one plate. The woman came inside the kitchen and Audrey felt ashamed.

"Oh, I thought-" the woman shook her head, "never mind, you can go sleep I'll finish this off myself."

Audrey had a walk of shame back to her room, but she did think that for her first time she did well doing the dishes(or more like one plate.) During the past few days Audrey had to go through big changes, the first being that she was kidnapped and treated unfairly. Then she was had to run and had a serious case of dehydration. And now she was here, and this family was so different to her (and poor, in her perspective.) She dropped back onto her new bed, which didn't have as much cushion comfort as her own bed, and she lay awake, gazing blankly at the night lamp. Midnight struck and suddenly Audrey heard tiny footsteps coming from outside. She thought it was probably just someone getting a drink of water, until she heard a loud crash! The piercing sound of plate cracking made her jolt straight up! She took her covers off and went to the door. The door knob creaked when she opened the door. As she stepped out she was blinded by the darkness. She heard small weeps coming from the corner so she headed in the direction of the quiet crying.

"Is anyone there?" She whispered.

She got no reply, just more weeping noises, so she took another step forward. But as she stepped, a sharp piece of glass stabbed her foot. She clutched her foot and whimpered. Her face turned bright red as she felt blood tricking out of her big toe.

"Leon, is that you?" A guys voice sounded.

Hearing the voice, Audrey's heart pounded and she became silent. A candle was lighted then Leon came and gave a hug to Horace. They both went into the kitchen, not even noticing Audrey in the corner. So Audrey started to walk back in dismay.

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