Chapter 6;A Torturess Beast Girl

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After Seiko told Haru all she new from what witnesses saw at the tavern the two put the plates in Seiko's sink and went to go check on the sleeping pair still at the edge of the forest where they had done the stressful operation.
When the two arrived they both shook Crystal and Kohamaru awake to stop the irritating snore noises coming from Kohamaru and the talks of Crystal about how she was going to win a battle that she must have dreamt up. "I...will'll see..." Crystal murmured before letting out a moan from the annoying shakes of the blonde girls hands. "What do you want 'yawn' I was having a good dream." She replied sleepily after awakening to see Kohamaru also getting up.
   "Well now that you two dimwits are up we can prepare to leave." Said Haru sternly but with a light glowing smile apon his face and could not help but chuckle after the words escaped 
   "Who are you calling a dimwit you got beat up by a seven year old and then the next had to have her save you!" He would have pestered on and on if a reminder popped into his head. "By the way thanks Crystal. Without you me and this dummy would have died by now."
   "No problem what is family for." Replied the young brunette as if she saved lives every day.
   "Were you guys serious about already leaving?" Seiko asked.
   "Yah. We have completed our mission and now we must return home. Thanks for the food though."
   "What food?" Angrily question the two sleepy heads simultaneously. Then hearing a growl from both stomaches.
   "Oh right you guys haven't had food since those crackers. Well Seiko guess we need your help again. Do know where the nearest store is?" And looked over to her to hear a response.
   "Down the road to the left it's the third building." 'They act so mature for their ages' thought Seiko waving goodbye after they grabbed their weapons and the books they borrowed from the town leaving nothing for Seiko already took the rags home. No one said a word to her after that question and the kids walked down the road, following the directions given.
   Once they arrived at the third building every single person inside glared at the three warriors. Kohamaru look at his 'daughter' and Haru seeing why they were staring vigorously at the weirdos. Crystal's dress was splattered with mud and his blood from when he was coughing it up all over along with the ogre's. Standing beside her was Haru, sword in hand. His outfit consist of his now blood stained shirt and jacket from the coughing fits Kohamaru created, matching muddy combat boots like Crystal's leather ones, and his black pants were coated with mud on the front of shines from when he sat down on the soft moist earth beside him.
"Kohamaru why are you looking at Haru so hard?" He turned dark red as his sight shifted to his own rugity mess of himself.
"Wha.....?" Haru said changing his eyes to look at the accused. 'Why was Kohamaru staring at me?' Questioned Haru in his thoughts.
"They are all looking at us hard to." She proclaimed an pointed to the store while they stood still and turned their attention to the store.
"Well maybe if you two weren't so damn dirty."
   "You look just as bad as us." Fired back Haru before he lead the group though the birch doors. The one old lady in a dark green dress slowly approached the young girl and her two companions. 'What does she want?' Crystal thought to herself expecting her to be rude.
"Who's children are you?" The woman asked curiously to the clan of kids in front of her.
"Well this here is mine and Haru's adopted daughter, Crystal who is now 7 years of age. Me and Haru are now both 11. My names Kohamaru if you were wondering." Replied Kohamaru with a wide joyful grin that spread across his face and he then chuckled.
"We are not in love though. Dumbass here is telling the truth though. We don't have any other family members but the fortune teller does help out. " explained Haru covering Crystal's innocent ears when he sweared.
"Wow. I have never heard of that kind of situation before. My name is Akimeto but don't frant about remembering it. Now what I now want to know is why are you clothes in such horrible condition. " asked Akimeto as she pointed at Crystal who still had her ears being covered by Haru's warm hands who released them after she finished.
   "Crystal would you like the honor of explaining the reason we are such a mess?" Kohamaru asked her knowing how she would love to rant about her first mission. As he said this Crystal's face light up.
   Before starting Crystal twirled gracefully around on her heel until she stopped in the same exact way she was facing before. "Well madam I got to go on my first mission today with Haru and Kohamaru. Our job was to take down the ogre who had been tormenting any one who entered the forest in this area. Although when we fought him Kohamaru's little self got crushed half to death and Haru froze only to later start crying like a big baby leaving me to grab one of Kohamaru's twin blades and kill the monster. " she paused to turn and face them and stuck out her pink tongue at the boys. Crystal then twirled back as her dress spun. "After we did so I got to preform a life saving operation on my sweet little Kohamaru. " she said reaching back and and taking his arm and shoving her cheek to his. "And now we are here for supplies. " she finished as Akimeto stood there shocked at the story she was told graciously. After a while she cleared her throat.
   "Well let me buy the supplies then since you have probably saved a lot of people. " she then offered.
   "You are too kind mam we are fine. We can pay our selves." Kohamaru graciously told her still cheek to cheek with his 'daughter'. He then waved bye and started to the food as Haru followed behind Crystal who was still clinging onto Kohamaru.
Once they were at the food shelves Crystal's hand reached for the cookies without even thinking about it until Haru's hand slapped it away changing her skin to a crimson red where she had been struck. She quickly grabbed for them successfully the next try and ran knowing Haru was as fast as her. "Stop!" Kohamaru yelled at the two running freaks that he loved. Everyone in the small shop turned in their direction. "Sorry." He said knowing he should have not raised his voice at the two in public.
The pair quickly walked back over in shame until Crystal broke the moment by smiling and then claimed ,"We are getting these." and pointed to the chocolate chip cookies in her right hand.
"Deal, if you pair of fools can act seriously for a while. " said 'mom' to 'daddy' and their 'daughter.'
"Yay." Exclaimed Crystal as her muddy boots jumped off the ground.
"Listen she is already hyped up without the help of sugar." Pointing to the dancing girl beside them as dry mud fell off her moving clothes.
"Well you do have a point there." And looked over at Crystal. Once she heard the sounds of those words she went into emo stage and walked over to the shelf facing towards it and took a seat. Holding her legs to he blue dress still holding her food.
"If I can't have cookies you can not have life." She stood up and grabbed o kunia knife from her weapon pouch on her right leg. Facing them the boys shivered in terror at torturous beast girl.
"Fine." Spoke Kohamaru as joy sprung back into her blazing lake colored eyes.

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