Chapter 72: It Begins

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"Helga has been particularly quiet also," Holly added, then lowered her voice. "Do you think that's a sign?"

"We don't know," Albus told her forlornly, setting his hand on top of hers and giving it a light squeeze. Scorpius watched the gesture and felt a sudden longing, but ignored it.

Breakfast continued with silence, the four friends each having no idea what to say to comfort one another. Scorpius still felt Salazar in his mind, and tried calling to him for guidance, but with no avail. He frustratedly sawed away at his food with his fork and knife. Great. When I actually need the guy, he won't answer, he thought spitefully.

Even with that indignant comment, Salazar Slytherin didn't even stir the slightest bit.

* * *

The rest of the day went by fairly quickly. Holly, being in a totally opposite mood than Scorpius, decided to lighten their spirits by taking the group outside to the courtyard. The snow wasn't falling too violently, and the air wasn't too bitterly cold, making it a perfect snow day. Scorpius wished he could be as carefree as Holly was right now, as he watched her giggle and throw snowballs at Albus. But with the continuous ache in his chest caused by paranoia and apprehension, he couldn't force himself to relax.

Even with him being outside, Scorpius thought he could sense the voice moving within the castle walls.

Shivering from both the thought and the wind, he focused his attention on Albus, who was right on Holly's heels with his arm reeled back, ready to pelt her with a snowball. She shrieked as he grabbed her by the waist, lightly smashing the snowball into her back. Scorpius couldn't help but crack a smile at the laughing couple.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Rose standing well away from him. She appeared very uncomfortable, hugging herself tightly and glancing around the courtyard warily. Scorpius wondered what was bothering her.

"Hey, are you alright?"he asked her softly, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.

Rose momentarily looked taken aback by him speaking to her. "Uh, yeah. Of course I am."

Scorpius offered her a small smile. "Doesn't seem like it."

Rose sighed and chuckled. "I guess lying won't work. You know me too well."

"Of course I do." Scorpius laughed, then asked seriously, "So, what's bothering you?"

"Being here," Rose replied lowly, gesturing around the courtyard. "I...I had a dream a few weeks ago where I was standing out here alone." Then she gulped. "Let's just say the dream quickly became a nightmare."

"What happened in it?" Scorpius asked curiously.

Rose looked reluctant to tell him, but sighed and began anyway. But as she began telling him about her dream, her voice was immediately drowned out by a familiar sound that made Scorpius's ears perk up.

Come to me, Scorpius... the voice hissed yet again. Follow my voice and you will find me...

The persuasion in the voice was stronger. But no matter how much his conscience was telling him, Don't do it, dummy, the voice overpowered it. His feet shuffled in the snow as he walked away from Rose mid-story, and headed towards the castle, following the hissing as easily as he could follow any pair of footsteps on the Marauder's Map.

"Scorpius, where are you going?" Rose called to him, confusion evident in her voice. Scorpius tried to turn around, but the voice told him not to. She doesn't want to talk to you, but I do, it convinced him.

"Hello?" Rose had caught up to him, standing in front of him to block his path. "Scorpius?"

Scorpius walked around Rose, completely ignoring her. His focus was on locating the source of that persuasive voice that sparked his curiosity...

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