19NC_Medix: Oh.

ThisIsSoCool: Well what did happen? 

TransFan: Well, that's none of your business. 

DecepticonFan: Yeah guys, don't bother her about it anymore.

Everyone: Fine.

TransFan: Thank you.

DecepticonFan: No problem. Now, what are you going to do about Megatronus?

TransFan:  -_- 

DecepticonFan: What?

YouKnowWho: You just told everyone to stop talking about Megatronus, then you went and asked her about Megatronus.

DecepticonFan: Oh.

TransFan: Yeah, and I don't know what I am going to do about him.

OneOfThirteen: I can help you with that if you want.

LeaderBot: Who are you?

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: How did you get here?

RuleEnforcer: Are you Megatronus with a different username?

TransFan: Uh, what they said. 

OneOfThirteen: If I am Megatronus, then I wouldn't have said that I could help you with your Megatronus problem.

RuleBreaker: He has a point.

TransFan: Then who are you, and how did you find this place?

OneOfThirteen: I am Micronus, one of the thirteen original Primes, also the smallest of them all, and as for how I found this chat, well, I don't really have to tell you. 

YouKnowWho: Welcome Micronus.

OneOfThirteen: Thank you Optimus Prime.

RuleBreaker: Great. Now there are two primes, and a former prime in these chats.

TransFan: I wonder how the cons and Megatronus will react when they realize Micronus is here.

AirNinja: They probably won't be happy.

Puppy_SteelJaw: Who are you?

ThisIsSoCool: Another new user?

RuleBreaker: I am guessing you are an Autobot?

AirNinja: Of course I am an Autobot, and how many bots do you know that can fly, slick.

RuleBreaker: Wait. Windblade?

AirNinja: Yes.

TransFan: How did you find this chat Windblade? 

AirNinja: Uh, you invited me.

TransFan: Really?

AirNinja: Yes you did.

TransFan: Well I don't remember inviting you here.

DecepticonFan: How can you not remember that?

SmoothBot: Yeah, that's not something you forget.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Another one?

RuleEnforcer: Who are you?

SmoothBot: I'm Jazz.

TransFan: I know I invited him here.

19NC_Medix: So you remember inviting Jazz, but not Windblade?

TransFan: Yes.

AirNinja: Why do you remember inviting him, but not me?

TransFan: Well, uh, because he is cool.

SmoothBot: You can't argue with that.

OneOfThirteen: You really can't.

AirNinja: Whatever.

ThisIsSoCool: So what bow~zztt~cow~zztt~now?!

SmoothBot: Seriously Fix-it. How do you spaz out on this chat?

ThisIsSoCool: I have no idea.

LeaderBot: Anyway. Is there going to be any more bots that are joining us TransFan?

TransFan: Uh, hopefully no, at least for now.

ThisIsBoring: Good.

Puppy_SteelJaw: Good? What do you mean by good?

ThisIsBoring: I mean that there are already a lot of users on the chat, and we don't need any more.

DisguiseGuy: He's right.

Puppy_SteelJaw: So what, the more the merrier.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Why?

Puppy_SteelJaw: Cause I said so.

TransFan:  -_-

Puppy_SteelJaw: What?

TransFan: Nothing.

19NC_Medix: So what know?

TransFan: I don't know.

AirNinja: No idea.

SmoothBot: I can't think of anything.

OneOfThirteen: Neither can I.

YouKnowWho: Nothing comes to mind.

LeaderBot: I really don't know.

DecepticonFan: I don't know about all of you, but I know what I'm doing.

TransFan: And what would that be exactly?

DecepticonFan: That's for me to know and for you to find out.

19NC_Medix: Well that can't be good.

Puppy_SteelJaw: No, it can't.

TransFan: What are you going to do?

DecepticonFan: Oh nothing.

TransFan: Wait. Are you going to-

<Error 404: Page not found>


Dammit, DecepticonFan, why did you have to do that? Are you trying to get on my nerves like Megatronus did? If you are, then you will have to try a lot harder than that in the future, and no, that is not an invitation for you to try harder next time. Anyways, let me know how you thought about this chapter in the comment section, and also let me know if I can improve on anything, or add anything else to it. 

Also, I am accepting any ideas that you guys might have for any of my future chapters, since, like I said before, I am running out of ideas, and you can post your ideas in the comment section, or you can private message me if you want.

Till next time then.

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