Chapter 2

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I fell. The ground was made from stone.

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered. My voice echoed. It looked like I was in a cave.

"Elurra." someone took his hand out. I looked up, it was the mysterious boy from my dreams. I took my hand slowly out. The boy smiled, but the smile was somehow different than my dreams.

I pulled back. This was not the boy.

"Elurra!" someone yelled behind me. I looked back and there was the same guy standing right in front of me.

"Run!" he yelled.

I looked at the other boy.

"He's fake Elurra. Trust me." the boy in front of me said.

"He's the fake one!" the other guy pointed at him and he came closer.

The boy in front of me narrowed his eyes.

His eyes, I thought.

The eyes of the guy infront of me were brown. The eyes of my dream were crystal blue. I looked at the other guy, his eyes were the eyes from my dreams.

I ran. I ran for my life, away from the fake guy. But like always I would trip. I was let's say a clumsy person.

I fell and the bracelet slipped away. I heard a scream and looked back. The guy's appearance changed. His dirty blonde hair became jet black, his brown eyes suddenly had a reddish shade. I gasped.

"Elurra the bracelet!" the real guy yelled.

I reached out for the bracelet, but the tips of my fingers couldn't reach it.

I heard a laugh and I quickly turned around, facing the fake guy.

"Silly Elurra." he tilted my chin.

"Leave her alone Demitri." the other guy hissed.

"Sky's getting upset that I'm talking to his girl?" Demitri smirked.

Suddenly it was cold, like it was freezing. I shivered.

"Sky! Look what you did. Control your element!" Demitri shook his head and he rubbed his hands. The cold disappeared.

"Demitri. Leave." Sky hissed.

"Yes sir." he laughed and suddenly two black wings spread out in his back.

"But not without her." he smirked and he ran towards me.

Fear. It was like an eagle hunting for his prey. Mother Nature.

But Sky was faster and dodged him with his ellebow.

Demitri flew away, but then some weird fire ball came crashing towards us.

"Hide behind me!" Sky yelled as he spread his wings to dodge the fire. As the ball crashed together with the wings it made a hissing sound.

Sky threw a marble towards Demitri. And he vanished into black dust.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"I'm Sky, a dreamcatcher. That guy was Demitri, a nightmare. Remember the poem?" he said cooly.

"Where are we?" I looked around.

"We are in Oneira." he walked outside of the cave.

"The poem..." I ran after him.

"So I bet you're an Air. How cliché."

"Because of my name? No I'm a Water" he laughed.

"That's the palace of the Thalatta's, the royals of water." he pointed out.

"So what am I doing here? I'm not like any of... Your kind."


What the hell is that supposed to mean? I thought.

"Your bracelet." Sky looked at my wrist. The bracelet had turned from white stone into a diamond, reflecting rainbows everywhere.

"This can't be." Sky muttered.

"What...?" I looked at the bracelet.

"Father... What does this mean?" Sky looked at the... Sky.

"She's our only hope." the word hope echoed and then disappeared.

"We got to go." Sky took my hand and jumped from the edge where the cave was located.

"Are you crazy?" I yelled as we fell.

"You're not going to die." Sky laughed as he spread his wings.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the Elders and Royals" he pointed to a palace.

"I thought that the royals were there." I pointed to the water palace.

"No, we're meeting all of them. Fire, Earth, Water and Air."

"Is this a dream?" I muttered.

"No, but this can turn out into a nightmare."

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