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This really is a BoyxBoy story, but it'll take a couple of chapters for that aspect of it to show.
Comments would be exceptional.

Outskirts of London; 1858

Tess Doverfield was not all sorts of brave, but she did what needed to be done when the time called for it. She felt the chill of the wind climb the ladder of her spine and along her neck as she sat perched in the darkness clutching the only light in her numb fingers.

She neatly placed the bunch of flowers on the bare grave with its simple wooden cross stuck to the head of it like a broken wooden tooth. Her shoulders were shaking as she finally found the time for her grievance. She would not have dared to cry while her siblings and father had depended on her. As her younger brothers and sisters cried away the loss of Tess' mother, she did not dare to.

Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Doverfield died of a fever one week ago. She had just given birth to the newest arrival to the Doverfield Family a fortnight prior and had not recovered from it. Tess was thrown to work immedaitly. She had known what was to come as soon as her mama had past. She had been prepared to take over in taking care of her family her entire life.

Tess reached forward and ruffled the flowers absentmindedly, her hands shaking. And as her dainty and delicate fingers brushed up along the dainty slice of wood stuck to the ground near where her mothers head should be, Tess Doverfield broke.

Her shoulders began to rock as a pin poked a hole through the dam she had created inside herself until finally it burst open. Tess sobbed into the wind, finally free for a precious few moments to feel. She cried harder than she had ever cried in her entire life, so much she feared she would crack her heart. She was crying harder now than she did when she was a child and had found her baby lamb; Cloud, being dragged off by a wolf. She was crying harder than she did not so long ago when Elijah Revelstoke; a young aristocrat from a powerful and wealthy family was sent to collect rent from her home and had called her scum.

Tess Doverfied's family did not have much, but she was still a very fiercely proud young woman. She cried for this new gain of responsibility but cried more for the loss of her parent. She now had the worries of their measley small farm down in the valley behind her.

She now had to look after all five of her younger brothers and sisters and she was now the only one capible of working on the farm which she could not manage herself. Her father had found himself crawling into a bottle of whiskey long ago and was finding it very slippery to crawl his way back out.

"Do i look like ah' have a pair of breasts above my gut?" He had slurred and yelled at her when she suggested that he did a little help; like manage the horses, but he would not listen to her.
Tess knew she had to figure out a way to manage it or her family would not survive this coming winter. Especially not  the new arrival to the family.

Tess wiped her eyes and forced herself to take in all the shaking and struggling breathes beating at her esophagus like butterfly wings as she shook. Her thoat was raw from the force of her cry to the night, for the injustice placed on her family. She finally stopped when she thought she never would. And she felt better for finally reacting and feeling what she had bottled up, up in this hill in this hidden corner of the world away from all eyes and all mouths.

She was surrounded by trees, shillouetted in the dark like soldiers ready for orders to march. The moon was full tonight and she had blessed herself on the grounds of the graveyard when she had seen it. It touched the tops of the trees likes the soft sprinkle of snow and cast the hills and valleys of the moor she stood upon in a dark blue ocean in the sky far off in the open distance. But the trees had shrouded Tess in darkness.

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