Chapter 3

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Tamaki laid Renge across the backseat of his car. He wasn't being driven in a limo cause Kyoya needed his sweets and fast, so he took one of the schools "commoner" cars.

"I'm taking you to the hospital Renge, ok?" He said.

"I know idiot. Just hurry up and drive." She responded.

Tamaki got in the drivers seat and started the engine. He backed out onto the highway and drove in the direction of the emergency room.

He looked in the mirror at Renge. She had her eyes shut tight, and lines where her tears had fallen. Her mouth was closed, but he could tell by the way her jaw was, she was gritting her teeth. He listened to her ragged breathing. It was uneven, as if she was trying really hard not to cry. Her hair was disheveled and had icing on it, and there was a bit of blood staining her white stocking.

'Blood?' Tamaki thought. 'That must have been the corner of a cake box.'

He pushed the accelerate even harder.

Ootori Emergency Health Services
"Hey! Someone! This girl is injured!" Tamaki started yelling.

"Lay her here, sir." A nurse instructed him, as she brought a rolling cart bed.

Tamaki was carrying her bridal style, and he went around the side and gently laid her on the bed. The nurse pushed the cart down the hall.

"What happened Mr.....?"


"Suoh?" She asked.

"I hurt her leg." He answered.


"I fell on her." He felt his face reddening from the memory. NO! She was injured! Why was he blushing at a time like this?! Whats wrong with him?!

"Ah, whats her name Mr.Suoh?"

"Renge Houshakuji."

"Oh my god!" The nurse panicked. "The Ootori Group has dealings with the Houshakujis, oh no."

"Its okay, we can just, uh, not tell them?" Tamaki tried. They turned into a room.

"Ok Ms.Houshakuji, im going to put some medicine in you so you'll be asleep and you wont feel anything okay?" The nurse told.

"Alright." Her breathing was heavier and more ragged now.

The nurse put a needle in her arm.

"And done! You'll be out in a second Ms.Houshakuji."

"Mmhmm." Renge was already asleep.

The nurse flipped her over, favoring her leg, and unzipped the back of her dress. She removed it, leaving her in bra and underwear.

Tamaki blushed and turned around. He must of made a noise, cause the nurse realized he was there.

"Oh my fucking god youre not supposed to be fucking in here you fuck tard what the fuck is wrong is with you you werent supposed to fucking come in here you fucking dumbass just fucking leave and tell no one."

"Alright." Tamaki took one last peek at her body before leaving the room.

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