Chapter 2

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_.+*'Rich Grocery Shop'*+._
"Get a cart Tamaki." Renge ordered as she headed towards the dessert aisle.

She was planning to spend a fortune to get Tamaki back for wrecking her cookies. Her homemade cookies!

She stopped at the start of the aisle.

"1, 2, 3, go!" She ran down the aisle, grabbing every kind of box of cookies, with lightning speed.

"Hey Renge! Wait up!" Tamaki ran the opposite, hoping to stop the brunette before she took the whole aisle.

She rounded the corner, swiftly avoided Tamaki, and put all 9 boxes into the cart.

"Now to the cake!" She giggled as she skipped towards the aisle.

"Shes probably going to get 5 of each flavor." Tamaki muttered.

He ran down the opposite side of the aisle Renge went. He rounded the corner and found her standing still looking at a cake.

"Oh good." He mumbled running towards her.

"Tamaki," Renge started. "I cant decide between-"

Tamaki slipped on a banana peel. Those banana peels would be the death of him. He heard Renge yell, and cake flash before his eyes and just everything was a blur.

He came back into focus and realized he was on his hands and knees, on top of Renge.

"I-im sorry Renge!" He stuttered. He could feel his face turning a deep red. He was blushing- cause of Renge?

He tried to stand up by getting his feet flat on the floor, but slipped on icing from a cake he knocked over. He fell back down onto Renge, his pelvis crashing onto hers.

"Owww!" She gasped. Her face was turing red too, but Tamaki's had stayed crimson.

"Ack, aiee, sorry!" He tried. He flipped over on his back and got up that way.

How could he be stupid?! To awkwardly fall on top of her twice?! No awkward was an understatement. He fucked up.

"Sorry Renge, it was an accident i swear."

When he got no response, he looked over to see the girl curled into a ball, facing away from him, taking deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

She opened her eyes, moist with unshed tears.

"No, im not." She said, her voice cracking they way it does before your about to cry. "My leg, it hurts so much."

She squeezed her eyes shut and those tears fell. Tamaki had seen her cry over Kyoya a couple times, but these tears were different. These were tears of actual pain. He really fucked up.

"I think i should take you to the hospital." Tamaki said.

He placed an arm behind her head and under her knees. He heard her gasp as he picked her up, even though he tried hard not to hurt her leg, carried her bridal style out the door and forgetting all about their desserts.

Cookies (OHSHC) (Tamaki x Renge)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin