Chapter 2: Red Cheeks

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Mingyu's POV:

It was 6:50am. I was having a peaceful sleep on my comfy bed, cuddling with my soft pillow underneath a pile of cozy blankets when I heard a gentle voice call my name.


This voice sounds so familiar.

"Kim Mingyu..."

I think I know who it is...

"Oh my Mingyu~"

Yeah, I know exactly who it is.

"Go away." I said as I rolled over to the other side of my bed, trying to ignore the annoying kid poking my cheek. "Wake up already you savage!" I heard another voice say as they started shaking me furiously. I quickly smacked away whoever arms it was and pulled the blankets over my head. "Leave me alone!" I whined. I slightly opened my eyes, and threw a pillow at the blurred figures standing at the side of my bed.
"I'm getting impatient..." I heard another voice say. "Wake. The. FUCK. UP!" I heard the voice shout as they grabbed my ankles and pulled me off my bed, causing me to bang my head against the edge of the bed frame. I placed both my hands at the back of my head and looked up to see who it was. Of course. None other then Jihoon. I glared at him.

"Jihoon! You didn't have to hurt him!" Seungchol said as he helped me from off the floor. "Well... savages are savages." Jeonghan said as he sat on the edge of my bed. "How did you guys even get in here?" I asked as I went to my closet to get my uniform. "Your mom let us in. She said she didn't want you to miss school again, so she told us to wake you." Seungchol said as he sat next Jeonghan.
"And Wonwoo?" I asked.
"I don't know. I think he went downstairs to talk to your Mom." Jeonghan said. Jihoon stood up from my desk he was sitting at and walked over to the door. "Well hurry up cause the bus won't wait for you." Jihoon said as Jeonghan and Seungchol followed him out the door. I quickly got ready then ran down the stairs to the kitchen.

I looked up at the clock above the kitchen door. 7:10am. The bus usually comes at 7:25. So I was actually early today. I smiled to myself and walked over to my friends who were sitting on the kitchen table.

I've been friends with these 3 since middle school, not including Wonwoo since we've been friends since elementary. We all live in the same neighborhood. Seungchol and Wonwoo went to the same Taekwondo class then found out they went to the same school, they became friends then Wonwoo introduced him to me. Jihoon and I met in history class. The teacher assigned a project for us to do together since we lived nearby each other. Then we found out we were both friends with Seungchol, so he would invite Jihoon to hang out with us. And last is Jeonghan the "Angel". Angel my ass. He only shows his sweet side in front of everyone else but when no one is watching he turns into the devil, but none the less he is a good friend. He was the new kid. He was really awkward and shy in middle school. A lot of the upper class men would make fun of him, until Wonwoo and Seungchol stood up for him. After that he would always follow us around. So we just made him part of the group. And now in our last year of high school, we are still really close.

"Mingyu you finally woke up~" Wonwoo said as he poked me on my cheek. I stared at him. He grabbed a toasted bread and started to spread strawberry jam on it. He looked at me. "I know I'm beautiful and all, but staring is rude." He said with a slight smirk. "I wasn't sta-" before I could finish my sentence he shoved the bread into my mouth. "Hurry and eat." He said as he poured me a glass of milk. "Chug." I took the glass from his hands and drank the small cup of milk. He took the cup from my hand and dabbed the side of my mouth with a napkin then smiled at me. I quickly averted my gaze elsewhere. "Hey, your hair is messed up." He was about to reach for my hair, but I quickly dodged it. He looked at me puzzled. "You okay?" I looked at him for a split second, then looked away. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just not fully awake yet." I said with a slight smile. He just nodded his head slowly as if he wasn't for sure if I was lying or not.

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