- Beta Rah -

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Name: Rah Faye Everheart

Age: Ancient.

Abilities: Molecular Manipulation, Carbonyl Control, Control over the Whispers: Sol, Surge, Sentinel, Silence, and Stone.

Species: A mostly ghostly hybrid.

Battle Experience: You win some fights, you lose some fights. I have experience; I've trained, and continue to train, with some of the best fighters I know. Ability Combat is my best, followed by Hand-To-Hand, weapons being the least skilled only because I don't really use them unless they're needed.

Forms: Wolf—Ayame. Due to my own death, Ayame's shifting now happens in a separate body. Meaning, when Ayame wants to be let out, I have to make a clone in order for that to happen. (She died twice, mate. If you don't believe there are bound to be some complications, then you need to watch more Supernatural.)

Vampire/Demon Side: That's shown in the red flecks in my eyes. You change once you go to that Other Side. Sometimes for the better, some for the worst. I got a bit of both.

Mate(s): I believe the era of princes has passed. It's high time for this knight to go and save herself.

Translation: I'm an independent hybrid woman that don't need no man.

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