Rushing to get to the desk i tripped over nothing. With a loud thud I was laying face first on the soft carpet that was covering the hard floor.

"For fucks sake!" I pushed myself up and gently rubbed my knees since they hit the ground with the most force.

When I got to the desk i looked for the note Sage left. I grabbed the note as soon as I found it and I started to enter Tyler's phone number into my phone. I saved his number onto my phone and typed out a little message to him.

'Does the beach sound good'

Within seconds I got two replies from Ty.

'Sure! I'm looking forward to it'
'You coming round 5?'

I checked the time on my phone. It hasn't even been a full hour since my family left and I didn't want to wait any longer.

'Umm Ty, do you think we could go earlier? I'm fucking bored already and I'm not looking forward to sitting alone for the next hour or so'

'Aren't you impatient Sivan? Sure. I don't mind. Meet me at mine in 10'

'I'm not impatient, I just don't like waiting'

'That is literally the same thing'

'No it's not'

'Whatever. See you in 10'

And with that last text I collapsed on my bed waiting until I could finally see Tyler.

After five minutes of laying motionless I rolled onto my back, stayed like that for two minutes, and then I sat up. I ran down the stairs nearly tripping up for the second time today. I chose a black pair of shoes and a thin black jacket. Eagerly I opened the doors and stepped outside quickly checking my pockets for my phone and keys.

With everything that I needed in my pockets I closed the doors and locked them.

Whilst on my short journey to Tyler's house I whistled a simple tune, that if I put any effort in, I could turn into a song that would go number one worldwide.

Joyfully I turned right into Tyler's front garden. I knocked on the worn out white doors. The doors swung open so fast it seemed as if Tyler was waiting infront of the doors just waiting for me.

"Why hello there stranger!" He burst out. He leaned against the open door and he put his hand on his hips.
"How may I help you?"

"Well you see, I'm supposed to be meeting someone."

"Who may that person be?"

"Well he's really tiny, has purple hair, and some may even consider him to be a dick head." I gave Tyler a toothy grin.

"Fuck off!" Tyler started laughing. His laugh could be considered obnoxious but to me it sounded beautiful, it was so genuine, it wasn't like the laughs I heard back in America from my 'friends'.

"So you coming or what?!" I poked Tyler's arm repeatedly until he would stop laughing.

"I'm coming, just let me get my shoes on." He gripped a pair of black converse and made his way outside of the house.
"So to the beach?"

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'.

"Cool." We remained silent as we walked to the beach. It was only a ten minute walk but the silence made it feel as if we were walking for an hour.

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