Author's Intro

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Alrighty! This is my first story and I'm very excited to go about writing it. The only writing I've ever done is stuff for school, never for fun. I'm about to change that!

I'm aware that many first time writers are not very good and I'm probably not very good myself. ( I have more experience with reading books than writing).

Anyways, I'm going to try my best to make this good because nothing is more irritating than a story having a good title and introducing chapter and later turns out to be complete crap. I'll try not to write crap...if I can help it ;)

Any tips, feedback and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome ;) Don't hesitate to pitch forward your ideas, likes, dislikes and stuff that you don't think works. I want to make this good, and that won't be possible if I don't get feedback.

Updates will be done as often as I can do them. So if I can update daily then I definitely will- if not daily, then there will hopefully be an update each week. As much as I'd love to post a new chappie daily all the time, I don't think my brain will find inspiration for a new chapter quickly enough, so I'll need time to get my creative juices flowing :)

Another thing...I won't be posting pictures of what my characters are supposed to look like, I'll leave that to your imagination. Like that, you can imagine the characters to be good looking potatoes of you want to!

Wish me luck and have an awesome journey! XD

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