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"Good luck senor!" Edwardo was calling from the raft, waving. "Stay east of the mountains, for that is where Cantua rules unchallenged!"

"Gracias amigos!" Riddick waved back, watching them pull from the shore, setting down the river at a fair pace, Miguel handling the oars with skill.

"Logan?" Magdaline came to his side, putting a hand on his arm. "Will we be alright?"

"Sure," he nodded at the bay stallion. "That's a fine animal, and he'll go a long way."

"Who is Jose Cantua? How do you know him?"

"You ask too many questions, Sister," his rebuff was gentle as he looked over at her. "You don't need to know unless we run into him, and by then it will be too late."

"That sounds ominous," she shivered a little and he grinned, patting her hand.

"No need to worry about it now. Come, let's get you on the horse and go. I'd like to make a few miles before dark."

"But you don't know where we are," she protested as Riddick saddled the horse and began packing their gear on it.

"Sure I do. We're south of the mountains and southwest of Aguascalientes. So we travel northeast until we reach country that we know. How hard is that?"

She didn't have a reason that would stop him so Magdaline let him put her in the saddle and he lead them off at a fairly easy pace, his stride long and loose. He carried a loaded pack on his back as well, for he'd not relinquished any of the supplies that he knew they would need for the trip. It didn't seem to hamper him any and they made five miles before he stopped for a brief rest and small drink of water. He let her drink first then only took a swallow for himself, holding it in his mouth for a long moment. He wiped his face and looked around, his eyes following the curve of the land, always on guard. There were banditos, Indians, and outlaws south of the border, and a man could never afford to let his defense down.

"Logan?" her voice made him look up at her, her face shaded by her habit. "I am a little frightened. What if we get lost?"

"Sister, I don't get lost." He started off again, knowing they'd make another three miles at most before sunset. "Occasionally I don't know where I am, but that is not the same."

That made her giggle and she was silent as they continued on into the Mexican wild. They made camp in a dry arroyo screened off by cactus and cholla, thier small fire built in a shallow hollow to hide the flames. They ate a small meal and had a little coffee then Magdaline lay down and fell quickly asleep. Riddick watered the horse and rubbed him down well, talking quietly to the big animal before picketing him out on dry grass. He slept too, but fitfully, waking regularly his ears straining for sound, waiting for a danger that never came.

They traveled without mishap for three days, seeing no one, their course always northeast and Riddick lead them from before dawn until just before sunset each day. They averaged twenty-two miles a day, and he was certain they were getting close. His best guess was they'd nearly made up the distance they'd come on the river, and the mission was only a few days from where they'd fallen into the underground waterway. Though nothing looked familiar, Riddick was confident they'd reach a small village or outpost soon, and the mission not long after that. Then the sun rose on the fourth day.

Magdaline saw it first, as her vantage point was higher than his and she touched his hand, which rested on the skirt of the saddle.

"I see something," her unsure tone made him look up sharply, watching. He saw it too and felt his mouth go dry.

He pulled the second canteen off the horse and a leather satchel with a few days of food and ammunition in it. Slipping it over his shoulder Riddick moved swiftly forward, climbing swiftly up a scattering of large boulders, setting on the largest one. It was a cloud of dust made from numerous riders and they were heading with direct intent toward him and Magdaline. It took seconds to recognize the horse in the lead. He leapt off the rock and ran back to her.

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