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He woke in the morning with Magdaline curled next to him, her eyes closed in peaceful sleep. Riddick looked down at her with a feeling swelling inside him, a contentment that he'd not known before. This spitfire of a nun was a surprising package, for she was modest and gracious, but stubborn and proud, wrapped in beauty and curiosity. Last night she'd made sure to pad the area between their bodies with a triple folded blanket, and Magdaline had not permitted him to hold her too closely. Yet, he'd still had his arms around her when she fell asleep, and he drifted off with the scent of her hair in his nostrils.

When he'd woken in the night, gasping for breath held in the grip of some dark terror, she'd been there to soothe and calm him and remarkably, Riddick had gone back to sleep. Now he watched her in silence, the even rise and fall of her shoulders beneath the thick blue robe she wore, the rich pink hue of her cheeks from warm slumber. Magdaline stirred a little, rolling partly to her back her face still toward him and a soft sigh escaped her lips as she settled back into sleep. The fingers of her right hand were curled gently beneath her chin, the tip of her smallest finger resting against the corner of her mouth. He resisted the urge to kiss her, rising smoothly to his feet instead, tiptoeing from the shack.

The morning air was fresh and clear, and Riddick took a deep breath of it, filling his lungs. He felt good, better than he had in a long while, and he knew the reason was sleeping inside the shack of this hidden Eden. But they could not live their lives here, the walls closed in tighter around him every day, and Riddick's mother had raised no foolish children. He knew Magdaline would not allow herself to fall in love with him, and once clear of this place and back into the outside world, she'd turn back to her faith and away from him. In this place they could allow themselves to dream, to live an unrealistic fantasy of a love, a life together.

"You're a fool Logan," he muttered softly "If you was any kinda man, you'd find a way free of this place an' take that girl home."

He'd reached the edge of the river and stripped out of his clothing, wading in for a morning bath. Here the current was gentle though he could not see across the water, for it stretched beneath the surrounding rim of the cliff walls. Only half a dozen yards were visible from the beach, and he'd not yet explored the dark waters, but now he was filled with the desire to do so. He struck out with even strokes, crossing into the shadow of the overhanging ledge. Riddick was instantly wary, for without the sunlight the water went black and he could not see how low the ceiling was to the surface of the river. He swam farther, slowly, carefully and soon he was in darkness, treading water.

Turning he looked back and was relieved to see the sunlight behind him. Assuring himself he could get back safely, Riddick moved forward again, moving easily through the water, farther into the darkness. He turned his head suddenly, a cold shiver going up his spine. What was that? He held as still as he could, treading water, straining his ears. Something was wrong, something had changed, but what? It took a moment for the new sound to register. It was the water itself, lapping softly against something nearby, something in the water.

Suspicious, wary of unknown danger, Riddick reached out his left hand but jerked it back promptly at running into something in the darkness. He swore under his breath, irritated at his jumpiness. Reaching out again he let his fingers explore what he'd touched, and his eyes widened as he found the solid wood frame of a well-built log raft. Feeling along the edge he estimated it to be roughly eight by ten in shape and still water worthy. It was secured by a sturdy length of six foot rope looped over a jutting of rock. In the darkness he reached across the length of the raft as far as his arm could stretch. There were full burlap sacks, and three gallon barrels within his reach, but without light Riddick could not tell what they contained. With some trepidation, he pulled himself from the water onto the deck of the raft, feeling it shift and roll under him.

His heart beat against his ribs as he moved slowly, exploring the craft in the darkness. He felt a long coil of what could be hemp rope on the raft, and there were four barrels, and five ten pound sacks. His toes hit something cold and he knelt down, and his eyes widened in the darkness. A rifle! Here it was, their way out of here. Riddick slipped back into the water and untied the raft from its anchor. He started to backpedal, pulling it with him then paused.

Riddick looked back at the sunlit beach and saw Magdaline leave the shack, obviously looking for him. His finger tightened on the wood craft, his heart beating faster. He could just leave the raft here and say nothing, she'd never find it. He'd have her to himself, but for how long? Riddick was a man honest with himself, and he knew he'd last another month perhaps, then the walls would drive him mad. He had to have open country around him, freedom to move, or he'd die. His mother's people were gypsies and they were a nomadic race, never still for very long, constantly moving. He'd inherited more than his share of that gene. The only reason he'd stayed at the mission was because of Magdaline, though he'd known then it was a doomed romance, even if it never grew beyond his private thoughts. Sighing heavily Riddick closed his eyes and swore softly.

"Logan?" Magdaline called to him, puzzled and curious. Where could he be?


"Aye, I hear you!" his voice echoed hollowly, sounding odd and she looked around for him.

"Where are you?"

"No looking, I'm not decent." His voice came from the river and she started to turn that way before his words formed clearly in her mind.

Magdaline registered the rich brown of his skin then his words sank in and she whirled away with a startled gasp, flushing a brilliant red. Mortified the young novice buried her face in her hands, her heart thundering painfully hard inside her.

"You can look now, if you care to Sister." His deep voice was amused and she hesitated. "Seriously, I don't tease you. Turn around."

Magdaline did and her mouth dropped open in shock. He stood quietly, clothes stuck to his still wet body, a thoughtful look on his face. Beside him in the sand was what she stared at. A raft! Running forward she put her hands on it to assure herself it was real, that she wasn't dreaming. A bubbling laugher escaped her and Magdaline threw her head back, mouth open.

"I cannot believe it!" she turned to him, eyes sparkling "Only you could go for a swim and bring back a raft!"

She took his arm in her hand, her fingers strong.

"This means we can go home!"

"Aye, it does," he watched her clasp her hands for joy, closing her eyes as she tilted her face heavenward.

He didn't let on how much he was wishing he'd never put a finger on the raft, for Riddick was a man who didn't like to give up on something he'd put his mind to. He wanted Magdaline Serrano, and once free of this place she was beyond his reach and he knew it.

Hello reader! I hate to cut off the story just as it gains traction, but its published on amazon.com, and they determine I cannot have digital format of this story elsewhere. If you like what you've read thus far, check it out at amazon.com. It is part of the Kindle Unlimited Library, so find out what happens!

Sorry again about the interruption! Read on! :-)

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