Chapter 8

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Roger rolled off the sofa, aloud thud sounding through the house as he hit the floor. This caused everyone to bolt out of their sleep and see him rolling around on the floor groaning.

"Bloody hell, Rog. What'd you do?" Brian sat up from the recliner.

"Rolled off the sofa like a prat." John commented as he rolled over from his position on the floor.

"Oh, piss off!" Roger groaned. "I think I hit my head."

"No, if you had done that it would have sounded hollow when you fell." Alice teased, stepping into the room from the kitchen and taking a sip from her mug.

A loud laugh sounded from Freddie and the rest joined in the laugh.

"I'm starving." Brian stated as the laughing died down. He stepped pass Alice into the kitchen.

"Coffee pot is full and there may or may not be pancakes in the dinning room." Alice winked.

All of them were soon seated in the dinning room stuffing their face full.

"Have any of you looked out the window lately?" Brian asked as he moved the curtain back.

Roger twisted in his chair. "No, why? Is it bad?"

"It's a mess out there."

"Mess?" Freddie stood putting his napkin by his plate and went to stand next to Brian.

Outside the window was nothing but bright, blinding, pure white snow. It was at least three or four feet deep.

"I don't think mess is the proper word." Freddie commented. "More like beautiful." Freddie had never seen so much snow in his life.

"Is it deep?" John asked.

"Three or four feet." Brian answered, sipping his coffee.

"My car is in the garage. If we go anywhere we're going to need to shovel the drive." Alice said.

"We're going to need volunteers." Freddie turned to face the table. "Roger, John, looks like it's up to you."

"What?!" Roger asked dumbfounded. "I never bloody volunteered!"

"Nor did I!" John added.

"Yes you did. I could see it in your faces."

"There's coats, gloves and scarfs in the closet." Alice giggled. "Shovels are in the garage."

Roger and Brian stood from the table and stomped to the closet, mumbling and complaining under their breath.

Freddie was playing with Alice's record player, checking out her music. In the distance he could hear Brian and Alice watching the news on the TV. This was soon drowned out as Freddie placed a record on and slipped on the headphones. David Bowie played through.

Alice later came up behind him and hugged him, her head resting on his back. Freddie swayed slightly as she held onto him. He took off the headphones and turned around, squeezing her into a hug and placing a kiss on her forehead.

They stayed like that for a little, not saying a word. Freddie could see Brian sitting in front of the TV still, watching Tom and Jerry. Alice loosened her grip to look up at him and smile. He smiled back and gave her another good squeeze.

Alice went to the window to check on Roger and John, Freddie soon joined her.

Outside John continued to shovel the drive. Roger had stopped for a moment, a mischievous look crossing his face. When John wasn't looking, he smacked him with shovel and quickly went back to shoveling the snow to make it look as if he had done nothing.

"What was that for?" John asked rubbing his lower back as if it had hurt through his thick coat.

"Whatever do you mean?" Roger asked coyly.

"You hit me with a shovel!"

"I would never!I take offense to that!" Roger placed a hand on his chest as if he were truly offended.

"You would and you know it!" John said scooping up a shovel full of snow.

There was a long pause between the two before John had flung the snow at Roger. This sparked a war between them and they began chasing each other with shovels full of snow, flinging it at each other.

"They're like giant children." Alice commented, laughing at the two.

"Oh, you have no idea." Fred chuckled. "You don't have to travel and live with them."

"I am for the time being." She said as she looped her arm around Freddie's.

They both went to the kitchen where Freddie helped Alice do the large amount of dishes from last night and that morning.

Author's Note:

Sorry this hasn't been updated in a while, I'll try to post chapters a bit more often.

Hope you enjoyed! Vote and leave a comment if you like.

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