Chapter 5

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Freddie woke before Alice.

He nuzzled into her neck before planting gentle kisses in an attempt to wake her up.

She rolled over as He rolled onto his back, cuddling against his side and placing a hand on his chest.

"Alice, darling, time to get up."

"Nah." She answered.

"No?" He laughed.

She looked up at him and stuck out her tongue, to which Freddie did the same, causing them to laugh at each other.

Alice finally sat up after she gave Freddie a few kisses and slide off the bed.

Freddie soon followed, sitting on the edge of the bed and stretching.

"Mind if I use your shower?" He asked.

"Not at all." She said as she picked out her clothes.

"Join me, my dear?"

"What are we teenagers?" She giggled.

"Only if we want to be." He said as he took her hand for her to follow him.

Once dressed, they left the room, Alice locking the door behind them and headed to Freddie's suite.

They were bombarded with questions as soon as Freddie opened the door.

"Where the hell have you two been?!" Brain asked putting down his newspaper.

"We worried sick! You two just ran off without telling any of us." Roger was animated.

"Worried sick!" John repeated.

Freddie had to backtrack, closed the door causing Alice to stumble back and then reopened it.

"Fred!" Brian yelled trying not to laugh.

"I'm sorry, for a moment I thought I saw and heard my parents." Freddie joked.

"We might as well as be." Roger laughed.

Freddie sat on the other end of the couch where Roger was sitting.

Alice went to sit in the armchair before Fred tugged at her sleeve.

"Darling." He said to stop her and then pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her in place.

"Have you two eaten?" Asked John.

"No, not yet. Have you?"

"We were waiting for you." Brian chuckled.

"Well, let's go then!" Freddie stood as he kept one arm around Alice's waist, holding her up from the ground before setting her down and heading out the door with her and everyone else.

"Where to?" Alice asked walking ahead of them.

"Pizza?" Roger asked.

"Pizza?!" John scoffed.

"What? I'm in a pizza mood!"

"It's breakfast time." Brian added. "Besides, pancakes are better!"

"Diner then?" She laughed.

They settled in a corner table.

"Hey, Alice." A waitress greeted. "What will you have?"

Brain of course had pancakes, Roger and Fred ordered bacon and eggs, John had an omelet and Alice got waffles.

Freddie lite a cigarette. "So what time is rehearsal?"

"Three." Roger answered.

It was already almost one.

"Concert tonight?" Alice asked taking a bite of her waffles.

"Tomorrow, and you're our special backstage guest."

"Oh, you don't have to do that."

"Of, course I do, my dear!" Freddie smiled brightly.

"Come on then!" Roger said. "He won't stop until you do."

"And we'll join in on it." Brian threatened, laughing.

"Come on, we'd like you to come!" John added, his mouth full of his omelet.

Alice giggled and shook her head. "Fine, I'll go. I'll go."

"SHE SAID YES!" The boys all shouted.

Alice blushed madly, happy with her new friends.

Freddie's eyes were on her. She looked up to see his eyes were gleaming.

Freddie made her feel wonderful and she was so glad to have forgotten that book on her table that day and Freddie was very happy to have chased her down to give it back.

With plenty of conversation they ate their breakfast together.

When two-thirty rolled around they hurried out the door paying for the meal. Then had to hail a couple cabs for them to all fit.

Alice wasn't going to go with them because she didn't want to impose but Freddie took her by the hand and pulled her into the cab with him and Brian.

Alice sat on the stage and watched them all tune and play they're instruments, occasionally they pointed out mistakes that they were making, such as needing a key to be a little lower or the other higher.

Freddie's voice sounded throughout the entire area, loud and strong, and very much one of a kind. Alice admired him so much.

They all clapped and played as Roger and Alice danced to Brian and johns playing with Freddie's singing, Freddie causing them to laugh and mess up as he sung silly lyrics.

This is what they all lived for, at this very moment, good times and laughs and Alice seemed to help fuel this.

Freddie was determined to convince his little china doll to go with them when they get ready to leave, he had not had this much fun in a while, and wanted to cherish every moment he could.

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