Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Glancing around, I notice that this hallway had no potraits on their walls but did have decorations. The decorations were of dead plants, tables and vases. Not much room of creativity for this hallway it seems. Perhaps they got sick of decorating since there was so many hallways? I shrugged at the thought. Maybe.

I had not realize I was falling behind from Verin when Accalia suddenly grabbed my arm with her nails digging in. Usually, yes, that kind of thing hurts like hell but I didn't bother to give it a reaction. Instead, my gaze met her angry ones steadily. In a curt tone, I asked, "What is it, Accalia?"

"I do not understand why we are following him." Accalia hissed as her gaze flickered her temper. "Both of us together could take him out, you know that."

I jerked her hold off me even though it meant I would lose some of my skin to under her nails. "You forget your place." I told her, hardening my tone. "You might be miss princess on the Upperworld but you are still beneath me and we are beyond our power down here. It would be reckless and careless to do what you just suggested. Do not be a fool."

Even though I was only speaking the truth, this only infuriated her further. "What the hell?" She demanded as I could sense her confusion underneath her anger. "I know you've always been the logical one but you've never been obedient. Have you started to kiss some ass lately?"

Now, my anger spiked. I stopped completely and rounded on her, feeling like the cage animal that I was. "No," I said lowly, "I have not. I do not need to explain myself to you but if you must know, I'm grateful to be here. I'm still paranoid now and then but this place is a hell lot better than I was in over a month ago. Now, watch what you say because you have no idea what happened to me while I was down here so do not speak like you do."

Accalia lowered her gaze a bit which expressed her guilt over what she said. She glanced up again and the fire was back. "That doesn't tell me why you would want to be a coward."

Why does she have to argue with me on this? I don't want to talk about it! I thought, a little angry with her prying into my unexpected new life and even more so that she called me a coward. I was full aware of how much I changed. I had become a sniffling pup after being broken in what felt like a long time ago. "You should know that a coward truly doesn't want to be a coward."

"Then what happened? We can stop it right now and leave."

"You make it sound so easy but no. I don't even know if I could leave."

"What does that suppose to mean?"

I barely noticed that Verin had stopped as well. His presence was overwhelming and I knew he must be listening in because it was abnormal for him to not say something sooner. He does have a temper and barely any patience so this was new. Was he... curious? About... Me? I shook my head. Don't be thinking like that. That is wishful and stupid thinking. I scolded myself. I turned my attention back to Accalia.

I met her gaze levelly. "If you're stripped of everything, even your own diginity-- what would you have done? Could of done?" I knew it wasn't clever of me to answer her question with a question but with Verin listening in... I didn't want to reveal everything especially about my life before here. He would think differently of me and I don't want that. "You think about that, Accalia, while I'm finding ways to survive each day that I'm here for."

Accalia went silent, confused. Obviously, she never felt what I had nor could she ever imagine it. I did not expect her to understand me anyways. I began to walk forward until I was next to Verin, lowering my gaze. "I apologize that we had stopped. It won't happen again."

I noticed that he lifted his hand and I tensed, expecting him to hit me. I closed my eyes tightly and waited for impact but it never came. Instead, I felt a weight on top of my head which was his hand. He ruffled my hair then patted it down, smoothing it out. I opened my eyes, startled as I looked up at him. He still kept his gaze focused on ahead but when he felt my gaze on him, his gaze flickered and met mine.

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