"I am here to throw myself on your mercy and ask one final thing."

"You want me to pardon you?" the King sounded incredulous.

"No, Sire. I will offer you a full confession and spare you the need for a trial. All I ask in return is that you wait until we are back in England to carry out my sentence."

"That's an odd request."

"I promised someone I would do my best to return to her and I would like to keep that promise. I would like the chance to say goodbye to her."

"Then again, this could be a ploy so that you can escape on our journey home."

"It is rather difficult to escape from a boat and I am quite willing to be shackled for the rest of our journey."

"Who is this woman you want to say goodbye to?"

"Her name is Meg. She reawakened my conscience and... she is everything to me."

"So it is because of her that you felt the need to rescue me and confess."

"The irony is not lost on me, my Lord, believe me. Now that I finally have something to live for, I must die for my past crimes."

Guy was beginning to feel light headed. He wondered what was happening, he hadn't felt like this even when Isabella was about to kill him.

"Sir Guy, are you quite all right?"

"I..." A wave of dizziness passed over him and he stumbled. "I believe I am feeling sea sick, Sire."

"Sea sick?"

Guy didn't know how else to explain it but as the dizziness intensified he fell to his knees and then onto his side. He saw the King standing over him as the edges of his vision began to grow dark. Within seconds he was unconscious.


Guy awoke to find himself in his bed at the castle. He was confused and for a moment he wondered if he'd dreamed becoming an outlaw and teaming up with Hood.

"Finally," he turned his head and saw Meg sitting in a chair beside his bed.

She poured a cup of water from a jug and held it to his lips. He didn't realise how thirsty he was until he had his first taste.

"Sip it," she said gently. "Or you'll make yourself ill."

He did as she said and then collapsed back down on the bed.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"As weak as a kitten," he said, surprised to hear how horse he sounded.

"You've been through a lot," she said. "I'll bring you up some soup."

She got up and headed towards the door.

"No, stay, please."

"You need food," she said. "I won't be a moment."

But she was much longer than a moment so Guy took the time to peace together what had happened. He remembered speaking with the King and feeling unwell. He remembered Tuck talking to him and later Lou bathing his face. He remembered Marion smiling at him, but he couldn't remember why.

"Good, you're awake," Robin said as he came in.

Guy really wasn't in the mood for a verbal sparring match so he prayed this was a friendly visit.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Your wound became infected and you were very ill for a while. We thought on a few occasions that you were a gonner."

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