"You'd better come in."

He stood aside and gestured for them to enter. Guy noticed his eyes repeatedly flicker over to a chest close by the door and guessed that he had a weapon hidden there.

The outlaws made themselves at home, or as at home as they could be in the small room.

"I am Henry Augustus," he said. "A member of the Kings Personal Guard."

"What happened?" Robin asked.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"If you really are the Kings Guard, you must have heard the king speak of me."

Augustus considered his options for a moment then seemingly decided to trust them. "Very well. We were travelling home when we were shipwrecked. With little other choice, we tried to make our way home over land, disguised as pilgrims."

"What happened?"

"The Kings ring gave him away and we were set upon by a dozen of Leopold's men who took him. They left me for dead and as soon as I was able, I followed the king here."

"How did you know where he was?" Robin asked.

"It is no secret. Indeed, Leopold seems rather proud of himself."

"And the rest of the King's guard?" Tuck asked.


"Why aren't you?" Guy asked what the others were unwilling to.

"Luck, fate, destiny, the grace of God?" Augustus raised his shirt so they could see the angry red scar that bisected his abdomen. "By rights I should have died and if the wound had been just a fraction deeper, I would have."

"And now you're looking for a way to rescue the king?" Robin guessed.

"Yes." Augustus nodded. "For a while I had to rest and heal but now I am ready to rescue my lord."

"How?" Guy asked.

"I have not been idle. I have spoken with many who work at the castle and discovered the Kings location."

"What about getting in?" Robin asked.

"Harder, but I believe I have a way."

"How?" Much asked.

Augustus didn't answer.

"You can't expect to get him out on your own?" Much argued.

"I intend to do my best. As yet I have no proof that you are who you say you are."

"We're here, what more proof do you need?" Robin asked.

"You could have been sent here by Prince John."

"Prince John has already made his move," Guy said. "He offered Leopold 80,000 crowns if he would kill the king."


Guy shrugged. "As far as I know, the King still lives."

Augustus considered their points for a long while before finally agreeing to accept their help.

"So what's the plan?" Much asked.

Augustus shook his head. "Meet me here tomorrow at Sunset. I'll tell you the plan then."

"And if we don't like the plan?" Guy asked.

"Then I'll have to kill you," Augustus said matter of factly. "I can't risk you telling the castle guard."

"Are you at least open to suggestions?" Robin asked.

"I'll hear you out, but no guarantees."

"We could always go without you," Guy really didn't like this man.

Redemption PenaltiesWhere stories live. Discover now