“You’ll be alright you’ll need something cold to put on it.” Carlisle said.

“My hands are cold.” I said.

“Really?” Carlisle said. He felt my hands then he felt my forehead. “How odd you hands are cold and you head is warm. It must have something to do with your circulatory system.” I nodded I have no idea what that means and I don’t want to.

“So Amelia have you let go of plan B?” Edward asked. Oh yeah plan B.

“Oh yeah thanks for reminding me.” I said I looked at the window it was open. Great I could make a run for it. Oh man I just told Edward my plan! I better not think anything. I continuously looked at the window then at the people in front of me.

“Edward! Why did you remind her!” Bella said.

“She would’ve remembered anyway.” Edward said. “Amelia.”

“Yes.” I said.

“Don’t even think about it.” He said.

“I’m thinking about I’ll just do it.” I said.

“Edward what’s going on?” Bella asked.

“She’s calculating her chances of leaving by jumping out of the window and making a run for it. I got to say the chances are good.” He said. Thank you so much for telling everyone my plan you probably get the area secured. Maybe I should starve myself to death. And again I just gave my plan to Edward. Why oh why did there have to be a mind reader?

“Don’t to that either.” Edward said.

“Do what?” Bella asked.

“Know she’s planning to starve herself to death.” Edward said. Bella looked horrified.

“Actually I was going to run away and starve myself.” I corrected. Bella looked even more horrified.

“How can you sit there and discuss your death?” Bella asked. I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe it’s just natural.

“Yesterday you said you were going to leave after you were all better.” Edward pointed out. Why did he have to remember that? I know vampires have excellent memory but couldn’t he just pretend to forget it?

“Please don’t go.” Bella pleaded.

“Fine I’ll go when I’m better.” I said. Everyone was silent. What a awkward silence. I’ll start singing again. 1 2 3 4 5 once I caught s fish alive 6 7 8 9 10 then I let it go again why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so-

“What are you singing?” Edward asked he looked slightly annoyed. I must be annoying him.

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