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~Krista's P.O.V~

I'm just an ordinary girl in this world, I've always had a passion for art, music, singing, and books

I never wanted more in this world than what I already have that some people in this world don't

Though I long for a sibling, but I don't have one, and my father passed away last summer, me and my mom live in a good house, but she has college, and has been working double job's for me, so I too can go to college and have a great future, we are all we have left of our family

All kids wish for alot of things, and sometimes I always think that I'm one of them, but my mother always say's that I'm different from all of them, she says it so I don't feel like one of them

Though I'm different my life is Ok, but It changes

I was in my after school art class learning how to do pop-art. But class was dismissed early because it was a half day today

I was bussy packing till one of the staff members came up to me

"Krista, you've been doing really well for the past few weeks, and I wanted to talk to you about something", he said

"Ok, what is it that you'd like to talk to me about?", I said

"Your art, it's different from all the other students of mine, and I was hoping if you can compete in the art competition that is coming up next month?", he said

"Sure, but when did you find out about it?", I asked

"Yesterday", he said

"Alright I'll do it", I said

I went outside and got my bike from the bike-rack, and started riding home. I come inside the house and saw that mom already made lunch

"How was art today?", she asked me

"It was great, I heard that there's an art competition next month, and I was thinking of participating", I said

"Well, you should go for it", she said

I eat lunch and decide to ride my bike for a few minutes or an hour, I rode to a park where there where some children playing with their dog's and their parent's watching over them

It was so lovely outside I couldn't even wait till it was winter, I sat on a bench where I could see the fountain, and some kid's throwing coins and making wishes, reminds me of myself when I was younger

My dad use to bring me here when I was nine, I always threw coins in the fountain and make wishes while mom always use to set up the picnic table, wed eat our lunch and I'd play with the other kids and make friends

But those days were over, I just go to school and do the things I love to do, while mom has to go through this rough life

I then recieved a text message from my mom telling me to come home

~At home~

"Mom your text said that you needed me at home, pronto", I said

"Honey I got you something", she said giving me a box

I took off the wrapping paper and the ribbon and saw a beautiful dress with blue high heels

"Mom this is so beautiful, but why are you giving this to me?", I said

"Because I'm happy that you've stayed strong and never gave up hope in this journey, my little angle", she said

I put the gift in my closet, I put on my PJ's and went to bed

Just A Girl ( A Jace Norman Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang