Chapter 17

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"When are Max and Fang going to get here?" Gazzy sighed as he sat against the bars of his cage.

"What if they're not even looking for us?" Iggy asked.

"Don't think like that! They are coming for us!!" Nudge said.

"I really hope so..." Angel muttered to herself.

"When will this all be over? I wanna go home..." Ally said.

"Pretty soon. Don't worry, Sweetie." Angel smiled.

"Next time I see those whitecoat jerks, I'm gonna rip their hair out and bite their fingers off, I swear!!!" Alex growled as he pulled at the bars of his cage as hard as he can.

Wow...I wonder if that's what WE were like when we were younger and stuck in cages...I mean, like father like son. Fang really hated being in cages... Angel thought to herself. Then they heard the doors before them open, and three whitecoats walked in.

"Those two first." One of the white coats instructed pointing at both Alex and Ally's cages. One approached Alex's cage while the other approached Ally's. Both twins sent Angel horrified looks. Angel nodded in reassurance. The white coats opened their cages and reached in to grab them. Ally's first instinct was to let out an ear piercing scream, that even startled Iggy. Alex stayed true to his word and bit the guy's hand. The white coat cried out in pain and tried pulling back, but couldn't, because Alex had his hand tight between his jaws. So tight, in fact, he tasted blood. No mercy.

"Enough!!" An angry voice yelled from behind the white coats. He pulled both his assistants back, and kicked Alex off the other guy's hand. Then they slammed the doors shut and locked them.

"These things are monsters." The injured white coat said.

"We need to bring this issue to the Main Man." The other said. Angel looked at the two twins and grinned, both of them with huge smiles on their faces. Once the doors closed behind the whitecoats, the flock broke into laughter.

"You guys were great!" Nudge beamed.

"Yeah! Do you know how startled Iggy was?" Angel asked.

"That's not funny..." Iggy said, "nice move, though."

"Yeah. I really think my tactic would've been better." Gazzy said and let out a loud one. Everyone screamed and covered their faces.

"Gaz!! Not here!!! Good grief!!!" Iggy shouted nasally as he pinched his nose.

"Great job you two!" Angel laughed.

"That felt great! I wanna do that again!!" Alex said. Then they heard the door open, then they saw the light spill in through the outside. Everything was silent now. Slow footsteps walked in, then stopped so that everyone could see who it was.

"Welcome flock. I am the Main Man." The man said. Then with a snap of his fingers, four white coat walked in and grabbed Alex and Ally's cages.

"Hey!! Put us down!!!" Alex yelled. All Ally could do is shriek in fear.

"Hey!!" Nudge yelled.

"Shut up!!" Another white coat kicked her cage, "why are they here, anyways?!"

"To attract our most needed possessions." The Main Man said.

"Max and Fang?!" Gazzy said in disbelief.

"None of your beeswax." The whitecoat growled and kicked Gazzy's cage.

"Put my sister down!!" Alex yelled as he tried to pry the scientists' fingers off his cage, but it was too late. They were taken out, but the flock doesn't know where.

"Why didn't we stop him?!?! Dang it!! Those idiots!!" Iggy screamed as he banged the bars of his cage.

"I tried reading their minds, but...there's least the Main Man. The rest had complicated science stuff." Angel groaned and laid back in her cage.

"Well, they can't kill them off, can they?" Gazzy asked.

"I really hope not..." Nudge said, her voice quavering.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Keep your eyes open for Chapter 18! Oh! And if you haven't already, check out my new story, My Story - The Story of Jady Stroupp. Especially if you want to know what my every day life was like, since 2011, quickly making its way to 2015! Real words from my journal! Check it out! It gets pretty interesting as we near the most recent entries! So don't forget to vote, comment, ask questions, criticize, tell me how to make things better, and tell your friends! Thanks guys! :D

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