Chapter 14

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A/N: I guess saying sorry must be getting old, but I really am sorry that I'm so slow at updating atm. I've entered hell month at school, the month before exams, and everything is crazy and stuff. Also with all the editing I'm doing, I kind of have to do things in a cycle and keep doing it that way so it all gets done. So I hope you guys aren't getting bored with this one, there is still so much more left to talk about here. All the love, as always xx




Harry's POV:

After Louis left, I walked into school without another word. People were staring at me and whispering stuff to their friends, but I couldn't show them how I felt...I didn't want to be more weak than I already was. I could hear Liam and Niall shoving their way through the crowds behind me, but I didn't stop to wait for them. The strange thing was that I wasn't crying. I certainly felt like it, but it was as if someone had turned off the tear ducts in my eyes, so all I felt was my chest getting tight and my throat closing up. So many thoughts were running through my head that I didn't even stop when a teacher told me to get to class. I kept walking all the way to the back of the school, out the back door, and across the footie field, where only a few people were practicing, and they didn't say anything to me.

I finally reached the shed behind the bleachers and struggled with the door, my hands shaking furiously. Now tears were welling in my eyes out of frustration, and I pulled at the door so hard that the old rusty handle came off in my hand. I slid down to the ground, throwing it aside, and just buried my face in my knees. I sat there for a while,just trying to hold the tears back, but I couldn't. I wasn't even sure what I was feeling. I was sad for sure, but I was also angry, and I couldn't decide which one was making me cry. I could hear two sets of footsteps crunching over the falling leaves, but I didn't react, not even when Niall and Liam sat down next to me.

"Haz...I...I wish I could say something to make this better..." Liam said softly after a bit, putting a hand on my arm, but I shrugged him off, not looking up. "Please don't shut me out...we can fix this..."

"Apparently Louis has absolutely no trust in no, I don't think we can fix it." I growled, lifting my head up at last and wiping away a few tears angrily. Niall hadn't said a word this entire time, and in fact, he looked completely ashamed, and he definitely shouldn't have been.

"Ni, it's not your fault. You don't have control over what a dick he is," Liam said,and I nodded in agreement, but Niall shook his head.

"Louis is...I just...I told you when I first met you...Louis is interesting. He's been through a lot, and it's not my place to say any of the details, not that I know much myself, but he just...he has a hard time trusting people, and for some reason, he took to you, Harry. And he...he always assumes the worst, and the worst thing you could do to him would be to betray his trust...he takes that very seriously. So I...I'm not surprised at his reaction...I'm sorry about it, though, I know it...yeah, I'll shut up now." Niall trailed off, looking very put out, and I bit my lip. What Niall had just said made a lot of sense, and maybe explained a bit of why Louis had been the way he was for a long time.

"But that's just wasn't me. He was there comforting me, why the hell would I have someone spy on us? And there's no way they could have gotten in that stairwell without opening a door, which we would have just doesn't make did they know we would go there?" My voice cracked on every other word, but I didn't care. Yeah, I could still feel the tightness in my chest, I was still upset, but now I was more confused than anything else. I could now see Louis' point of view on he would have thought it was me who set it upright away...but if it wasn't me and it wasn't him then who was it?

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