Chapter 1

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A/N: Honestly, I think this is some of the best writing I've ever done. I hope you guys like it. Vote and Comment please! All the love, as always xx



Louis' POV:

"We're not done with this, young man. We will discuss this when you get home!"

I clenched my eyes shut and let the front door slam behind me, hurrying down the steps and tugging on the sleeves of my worn out sweatshirt. I slid easily into the front seat of my car, turning the keys and letting out a huge sigh. It was always like this. Morning after morning. I could never do anything right, at least, not according to him. I coughed to clear my throat and sped away from my driveway, from the stress of my home life, and headed for school. On the way, I blasted music, letting myself drown in the lyrics and the deep thrum of the bass pounding through the speakers,but it did nothing to get my thoughts off of my step-dad.

Why was it like this? He used to be really nice, he would actually ask me how my day was and take me and the girls out for ice cream. He was a proper dad...for a while. And then one day, something changed.I don't know exactly what happened, and my mum would never tell me,but he was different. He was so harsh to the girls, and to me. He treated us like the scum of the Earth, and for what reason? No fucking clue. It happened right after we moved, too. Just perfect. I got to deal with being the new kid and having a downhill home life. Exactly what I needed.

But I couldn't think about myself. I couldn't pity my situation. I needed to be there for my sisters. I had to be strong for them. And I couldn't let the kids at school know, or I would end up in the same position I had been in at my old school. And I sure as hell was not about to let that happen. Not again.

I slammed my fist onto the steering wheel in frustration. Why? Fucking why? Why did he hate me so much? I never did anything wrong.I just wanted to be myself and be accepted for who I was. But no,apparently I wasn't good enough to be his son. I was a disappointment...a failure.

I pulled into the parking lot of school, still fuming about my step-dad, and not at all looking forward to getting yelled at the moment I got home. And it was over something completely stupid that barely had anything to do with the important things, like grades or getting a job or anything like that. was about something that had happened at a party...something he didn't like. If something made me happy, he hated it right off, and that was bullshit, if you ask me.

I slammed my breaks on suddenly and my whole body jolted forward as someone ran out in front of my car. I laid on the horn and the boy turned back to look at me sheepishly. I barely had time to register that he looked kind of familiar before I had my window down.

"What the actual fuck? Watch where you're going, freak!" I bellowed, driving away and gritting my teeth. I watched him in my mirror. He didn't move for a full minute, and then, his head down, walked slowly towards the school doors, not looking at anyone. My heart clenched slightly but I ignored it, parking my car. He deserved what he got...running in front of me like that...could have gotten himself seriously injured. And then I would have had to pay for the damages, and that would have been just one more thing for my step-dad to yell at me for.

Climbing the steps to school, I was accosted by my best friend. I barely had time to see his blonde head coming at me from the corner of my eye before he was on top of me.

"Niall...what the hell? It's too early in the morning, you cannot possibly be this hyper," I grumbled, but a hint of a smile quirked at the corners of my mouth. Niall was the only one that really made me smile, besides my sisters, of course. He was just so happy all the time, it was hard not to smile when he was bouncing around in front of you.

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