"We're leaving soon," Jack told me. I looked up at Jack, with his face only half lit up from the fire. His eyes were starring not at the fire, with his eyes looking angered. I could see the flames dancing in his eyes, while fighting to stay alive.

"We're going to the reserve," he added.

"We don't know where it is." I responded with confusion.

"We got a map from Marina." Jack told me. "We're taking you there."

"You're coming in with me though." I responded suddenly as sat up. A soft smile appeared on his lips as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Of course," he mumbled. I leaned into his torso and hugged him tightly to me.

"Jack, whatever you do, just dont leave me." I mumbled emotionally.

"I won't ever let that happen." He replied to me as he hugged me back with his arms holding my tightly to him. An adorable groan interrupted between the two of us. There I saw Samaya impatiently sitting while wishing to join us. I could help but die inside at how cute she is. I waved her over and instantly in a happy skip she ran over to us. She hopped into Jacks lap, placing her paw straight on his crotch causing him to yelp out. I giggled out loudly while shushing him with everyone sleeping. She attacked Jack with puppy kisses, slobbering all over his face.

"She's grown." Jack commented.

"Yeah, she's bigger." I realized with agreement.

"Maybe she could be the most badass zombie killer one day." Jack enthusiastically imagined.

"She already is." I corrected him.

"That's true." Jack agreed with me. "Almost as badass as you."

"Flattery doesn't get you anywhere Jack."

"I don't need flattery to get you, I already have you." He responded smoothly while kissing me. Samaya pressed her nose between the kids out of jealousy, making me giggle out loud.

"SHH!" Jack joked back to me about earlier.

"Shut up!" I yelled in a whispered.

"Only if you're kissing me." He replied to me while pressing his lips onto mine again.

"You're cute." I mumbled while caressing his cheek softly.

"We should probably go to bed, we're heading off tomorrow afternoon." Jack told me. "I want you feeling better by then too."

"How's your wrist?" Jack asked me. I looked down at my wrist to see a tight tensor bandage on it, so many layers were put on that I couldn't move it. It was probably for the better. I don't even know if it's broken or not.

"Marina said you just fractured it, it isn't fully broken, which is great news I guess."

"I hope so." I responded with a mumble. "It really fucking hurts."

"Anything that heals will hurt." Jack replied to me like it was surely to be right.

"I guess," I hummed to his response. He stood up to his feet, and then helped me up. By his side I limped my way over to the door. Samaya stood right by my side as I stepped inside and slowly made my way to my bed. She laid down next to my hands, and then Jack slid in behind me. He hugged me tightly to him before passing out. He fell asleep quickly, while I remained wide awake in his arms. His stomach was placed at my stomach, where his fingers just touched my bloated stomach. It felt bloated in the last couple days, and hasn't been changing at all. My nausea came back again, and it felt odd. It wasn't my typical kind of nausea either. My body has been dragging weak, so I must have definitely caught something, like the others. I just hope it doesn't get worse, we don't have medicine anymore to save us. I heard some soft footsteps, they made their way towards me and eventually I saw Marina. She placed a cup down by my side. She gave me a soft smile with the candle still light by my side. Her eyes fell the my stomach, where Jacks hands rest.

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