Dead body underneath

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Liza knocked and entered Jones's room. Jones greeted,"Hey, welcome." Liza said,"Thanks. Now, I know the case is over, but I still need to get some answers, you know just for work sake. So, if you please answer my questions, it would be great."

Jones nodded and immediately stood straight. Liza showed Jones the paper in which it was written that,"The blood stain at Lewis's coat found in Jones's room is of Lewis Walten, itself."

Jones looked up at Liza in amazement. Liza asked,"Should I help you in answering this query?" Jones asked,"I didn't get you." Liza replied,"I will explain. You killed Lewis Walten and you took his coat in your room. But, unfortunately, you forgot to scan that coat. Now, the results tell everything." Liza looked at Jones in eyes full of doubts.

Jones got up and said,"What? You said that the case is over. Now, you are putting this dirty blame on me. What, now u think, I am the killer? Ridiculous!" Liza said,"No offense, Jones Wood. This is my work. Fuming people by putting blames on them. So don't overreact. Answer."

Jones said,"You are crazy. Well, I don't know, how that coat ended up in my room. Look, I swear to lucifer, I really don't know how the hell did that coat ended up in my room. I think so, the killer had put the coat in my room, to escape and put me under the blames. That's the only possible explanation for this."

Liza said,"Jones Wood. I can't trust you. I have to say this, but you are really super suspicious now. Any other lead against you, and there you go behind the bars. Sorry, but be careful." Jones was stunned. He tried explaining Liza, but his words fell into deaf ears. Liza went after giving Jones some regular instructions. She also told him to keep this talk confidential.

Liza looked at her wrist watch as she sat in her car. Still, 2 and a half hours were left for the results. Liza decided to go home and take a rest.

After 2 and a half hours. At Nestlé's lab.

"Hurry up. Please tell the results. I am freaking out now." Liza ordered her college time pal. Nestlé said,"I am telling you the results. Just be calm. Listen carefully, and keep one thing in your mind. I am always there with you to help you. I will help you to take..take Ben out."

Liza went one step back and asked,"What?" Nestlé replied,"Yeah! You will have to take out Ben from the jail because there is not even a single fingerprint of Ben on the knife. There are many fingerprints on it. None of your suspect's fingerprints too match the knife. This knife was used to kill Lewis but, it was kept at Ben's house by some unknown person in this mighty world. So your killer escaped this one."

Liza got the shock of her life. She said,"Oh my gosh! Please tell me this is just a joke. Please." Nestlé said,"I am sorry, but this is the truth. Your killer is from the 6 suspects. He or she killed Lewis and asked someone else to vanish his or her fingerprints from the knife. The one who did that vanishing thing, did his work with perfection. He used a liquid and vanished the fingerprints of the killer from the knife. Then, he kept that weapon at Ben's house. The killer must have ordered him."

Liza started to faint. She said,"Oh my god. I don't know, what's happening here. Ben isn't the killer, but is behind the bars. The actual killer is from the 6 suspects. I have told them that the case is over. Now, they are roaming freely. Oh shit! Fuck!"

Nestlé said,"The killer here is a big mystery to reach. He or she is really a genius. Now, u have to open the case again and search for some more clues." Liza went in some deep thoughts and then said,"Ok, now I get it. Lewis, was crying in my dream, because he knew that Ben isn't the killer. He wanted to tell me. But, look at me, such a dumbass." Liza got pissed off.

Nestlé said,"No, it's not ur fault. Everything was against Ben. But, now, John, your assistant has to answer everything. He depicted false colours. The letter incident and the call incident also must be the plan of the killer, to force you to put Ben behind the bars. Everything is clear as a mirror." Liza nodded in depression.

She said,"I think so that John did all this on purpose. The killer might have forced him. I need to talk to John. He will give me some leads. First, I will investigate everyone at Lewis's mansion, and then, I will take Ben out." Nestlé agreed. She said,"First go and talk to that son of a bitch."

Liza nodded.

At Liza's lab.

"Please. I did as you said. Mother fucker. Stoppp!!" Blood gushed out.

At Nestlé's lab.

"So I think, I should go to my lab. Catch ya later." Liza said as she left for lab.

She sat in her car and started driving. As she was driving, she said to herself,"I don't know where this case is going. Everything is muddled up. Ben, what to say. I am awestruck. Really, I am losing confidence on my ability to solve cases in weeks." Liza continued driving and after some 20-25 minutes she reached her lab.

She opened the door and yelled,"John, you asshole. Mother fucker. Where are you?" As she went a little inside the lab, she fell down. Or, I must say, she bashed and fell down on something heavy.

She said with her eyes closed,"Oouch! What the hell was that?" She felt something heavy underneath her. She opened her eyes.

She saw a dead body under herself. She fell down on a dead body, by its blood.


To be continued in part 22. Please vote and comment if u like this intresting part. Plenty more twists and turns to come in upcoming parts. Stay tuned. :)

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