Faith (kinda) lives on

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Faith never even realized she had lost consciousness until she was awakened by a gentle nudge on her cheek. The lids on her eyes slowly peeled up and her pointed ears flickered at every little sound.

It was still night out and the forest was still dimly lighted with luminescence from the nature all around. A variety of blue and green glows encircled the young Na'vi driver. At first, her heart jumped into a racing beat for a brief moment at the unawareness of her surroundings, but just as easily calmed when a pulse of warmth passed through her chest.

A voice, a whisper, that told her to relax. It told her she would be safe as long as he was there. It was only then did Faith recognize the presence of Aungia in her mind by the bond of Tsaheylu. Her memories came back to her swiftly, making her look up from her limp position on Aungia's back. She was met with the face of her new four-legged friend that had been the source of the nudge. His head turned in a one eighty degree around just to lay his protecting black eyes upon her.

"We're nearing Hometree." A different voice suddenly spoke, pulling Faith's attention. She looked to the source and found below her was Drewan with his spear still in hand. He stood looking towards her in return but obviously kept at a safe distance from Faith as Aungia did not trust him yet to not harm her.

It was still humorous to Faith to see the difference of height Aungia gave her when he stood to his tallest. She had to be a good 5 feet taller than her escort even as her body laid horizontally on her companion's back. She guessed this to be the source of both Aungia's DNA. One part viperwolf, the other thanator.

Faith gave him a nod in acknowledgement moving her hands to Aungia's shoulders as an aide to push herself upwards. The perspiration that soaked through what was left of her clothes stuck to Aungia's skin though easily let go as she moved. Her muscles ached immensely and her numerously pierced leg was throbbing. A series of pops and cracks all over her figure acknowledged her lack of motion. Not even her tail bothered to make a twitch. Sensing her pain, Aungia apologized through their connection along with a slight whimper from his muzzle.  He knew it was mostly his fault that his rider was hurt due to his own injuries and the ones he had given her. Faith merely smiled and stroked down his neck to his shoulders repeatedly as a gesture to show she was fine.

"There."  Drewan spoke again. This time, Faith followed her guides spear in the direction he pointed and finds herself mentally reprimanding her own stupidity.  There before her stood a tree tall enough to kiss the outer atmosphere of Pandora. The Hometree of the Omaticaya clan, which is written to be amongst the strongest and largest clans on Pandora. The tree's trunk is as wide as the dome of the U.S Capitol Building, if not wider,  and its top branches so high that they looked as distant as the stars themselves.

Unexpectedly, there were whooping and hollering that echoed from the base of the tree. Some sounded aggressive, some excited, some worried. Faiths eyes narrowed, her body leaning forward slightly to get a glimpse on what the commotion was but it was useless through the density of Pandora's forests. They only thing that stood out was the dramatic increase in firelight that surrounded the area.

"Something is happening at Hometree. We must hurry." Drewan stated, pushing off his feet and gracefully rushing towards the Great Tree.

Aungia protectively reached behind himself with his muzzle, reaching over Faith's shoulder and pressed her softly against his leathery black skin once again. Faith chuckled quietly at his action but submitted to him and rested comfortably on the contours of his back. Feeling her secured at the most to himself, Aungia followed in haste after their escort.

Faith's body continued to ache top to bottom as her partner flew swiftly over the green covered ground below them. She whimpered to herself every time they had to make a turn or move too suddenly making her eyes shut tightly and her grasp clench on the hybrid, but she held on knowing they would be at Hometree soon.

The Navi Link (James Cameron's Avatar)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora