Chapter [11] Working Woman

Start from the beginning

"I'm well thank you. How about yourself?" I smiled.

"Just fine thank you.." She sat down in front of me. "Well." She placed her hands on the table, interlocking them as she smiled again at me. "Looks like you've got the job!"

I was internally shrieking.

"Thank you so much." I grinned. I reached out to shake her hand and she did.

"You are so welcomed! The team leader will be right over to give you some information, okay?" She said.

"Yes m'am."

In class, Gigi and I had turned in our project. Although we got the assignment Monday and it was due Friday, we turned it in today (Wednesday) because it was extra credit if it was turned in early and we all know I needed it. However, I noticed that Skylor and Avery didn't show up for class. But I mean, it's not like I care, obviously.

"Hey Brett, are you going to the Halloween thing Friday?" I asked. Sitting back in my normal seat.

"It's supposed to be crazy this year." He winked.

I raised my brows. "How do you know? You're new?"

He raised his hands in surrender stance. "Yeah, I was trying to be enthusiastic." He laughed. He saw the straight expression on my face and thought to cheer me up. "Oh come on we're gonna have a good time there Ivy. Think of the squad." He chuckled.

I laughed. But my laughter stopped when the door peered open.

There they walked in, Avery and Skylor. But something that really made my stomach turn was the fact that her top was on backwards.

Maybe I was just looking too hard? I guess I'm the only person who actually noticed because the rest of the class was talking and Mr. Danforth was taking some papers to the office.

"You know this is a school, right?" I said in disgust.

"I'm out of my mind right now, but feel free to leave a message." He leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my gosh you got a job? That's so cool! Where?" Bonnie asked with much curiosity.

"The new grille downtown, The Cruise." I smiled.

"That's so awesome. When do you start?" She asked, taking a bite out of her strawberry cake.

"Today." I replied.

"Wait, are you working Friday?" Jonah furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, I don't work Friday's apparently." I shrugged.

"Sweet." Jonah nodded.

I went home and took a quick shower and put my work uniform on, which consisted of a shirt that said "The Cruise" in small letters on the top left corner and a pair of blue jeans and black shoes.

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