Meet Shika

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Shika 's pov

"Yes Mr. Kapoor the files will be ready tomorrow, there won't be a delay" I assured him for the hundredth time today

"Today not tomorrow!! Make sure that it reaches here today or I'm gonna sue you" he said. I glanced at the clock and said

"it will be there at your office before 5 p.m. today sir" I assured him once again.

"okay" he said and hung up. What am I going to do, its already 4:30 and Kaushik didn't come till now. What about the cafe? Shit I forgot about it. I quickly grabbed my phone and started dialing Kaushik's number but stopped when he suddenly stormed in.
"Shika cafe!!" He said while panting and gave him a glass of water
"Kaushik tell me what happened?" I asked him.  Trying to maintain my cool, but failed miserably .Please God please don't let them take my cafe !! Please God that is the only thing that I have as my mother's memory! Please

"Our cafe is ...gone" he said and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Kaushik went on saying something but I couldn't hear anything, my mother 's cafe the only thing that had her memory, it's just gone, just because of me. Just because of my foolishness,if I didn't have dated Rahul , if I didn't have recruited him in our company,if I would have listened to Kaushik, if... I wiped out the tears from my cheeks as I knew that nothing can be done on that and cleared my throat.
"Kaushik get me those files that Mr. Kapoor needs " I said and turned around to glance at the clock once again.
"Shika are you out of your mind? We don't have the files! Our storeroom burnt last night! Don't you remember that?" He started shaking me. Oh yes our storeroom burnt last night and, and all our important files were in it. I ..the files Mr. Kapoor needed was also burnt.
"Kaushik Mr. Kapoor he, he is going to sue us!! What do I do now? I can't loose my company! It's everything I have! That's everything we have Kaushik!! Everything we have!!Kaushik call Mishra Ji maybe he can help us. Yes, maybe he can, he is our dads best friend! He can help us" I started rambling,I do this when I'm nervous. Kaushik came and enveloped me in a hug for a moment I felt protection, I felt that this world can never cause me any pain as long as my brother is there, but as I said earlier it felt just for a moment.

"Bhai will he throw us out of our company?" I said my voice came croaked as I was crying
"No baby ! No ! It's our company! It's our freaking company he can't throw us out." He said with a stern voice 

"Can I believe that bhai?" I asked him, because at the moment I could't or didn't want to believe anyone..not even a single soul in this world.

"yes you can shiku, I'm here for you we wont loose anything, even a small penny everything will be ours, only ours" assured me while taking my hands in his

"trust me, you go home, don't worry about anything i'll be there as soon as possible. he said and called our driver to came and pick me from the office. I went down without even uttering a word ,I got in the car and said the driver to drop me home. he started to drive , I  turned outside examining every person walking on the footpath. i have never got time for myself, or perhaps i could say that i've never found time for myself. I  have always indulged in my work so much that i forgot to enjoy my life. i always thought that i would take my company to a better level and then enjoy ,my life,but, but now enjoying is a whole new thing in my life.

I'm Shika Agnihotri as you can see I'm having a very fucked up life. My mom's cafe is gone into the hands of some rich bastard ,my company is in the verge of extinction we can say because today I can't submit  it.
Kaushik said that he will manage it but I know that nothing can be done.

I reached home and was not in a mood to go inside as I know Samaira would be waiting to eat me with her taunts. I gave the driver my bag and said him to give it inside, I took the keys from him and started driving. I warned Kaushik that Samaira is not the one for him but nothing went it to his mind then because he was madly in love with her. The person who is suffering now is Kaushik.

I started driving roughly I didn't care about myself or anyone ,if I'm gonna make an accident then its fine, I would rather like to die than to face so much humiliation in front of other people .
My speed was 140 but the speed limit was 80 , I saw a lady coming with a baby in a pushchair, I suddenly applied the brake for my speed it was very hard to stop but it stopped right in front of the pushchair. Thank god I didn't kill a child.

Hey guys!!
So that's the other character of our story and this was just the introduction so thats why its small. So the real story from here. People who have already read my story can suggest it to Randeep lovers, I hope they will like it.

And the cover is done by before9 that's an awesome cover thank you so much.

Guys Living to the fullest is first on chickLit's what's new

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Till then stay tuned
~Monsoon :)

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