Chapter 2: Dreams

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Luna’s silver arrow plunged at the heart of a willow--a monster made of wood, pinning it directly to a big oak tree.

“ALRIGHT! Direct Hit!” The archer jumped in joy, celebrating her triumph. 

“10 points for Iris Luna!” Alden cheerfully exclaimed from beside her. 

Luna rushed to her wolf and cuddled with him in sheer excitement. She was overjoyed with her new set of arrows. From behind the archer, the wolf and the swordsman, followed the silent mage and mercenary. They could not do anything but observe their other companions.

“She is way too hyper.” Rios commented, arms-crossed.

“Let her be.” Chieko replied, feeling glad for her friend but never showing any smile, “Her new arrows do work nicely.”

“Yeah, but pretty soon they’ll run out before she can even use them in a real fight.” Rios added, eyeballing the restless archer. 

Just then, another willow approached the party and this time, Alden rushed in and sliced the monster in half with his Rune sword.

“Oh yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” the swordsman raised his weapon and waved it around the air.

“So cool, Alden!”  Luna cheered with Rein barking along.

 “Thank you, thank you.” Alden said, walking closer to his friends in a somewhat cocky manner.

“Shouldn’t you guys be saving your energy and arrows for a much serious fight?” Rios spoke. 

“Oh Rios, you are such a kill joy,” Luna replied, looking a little bit annoyed. “We're just testing our weapons and having a little fun. You should lighten up.”

 Rios sighed and shrugged. Luna, that girl… She never listened to him and he never listened to her either. Why should he?  In their small party this archer and this mercenary did not get along with each other too well. For Rios, Luna was just a childish and impulsive archer and for Luna, Rios was just a too serious, *looks-like-someone-died* guy who never knew how to relax and have fun.

“Relax, you guys.” said Alden, trying to lessen the tension.   

“But—honestly, we should listen to Rios.” Chieko finally spoke. “We never know what might come our way so we need to save our strength and what remains of our supplies.”

Luna crossed her arms, pouting in defeat. She knew that Chieko was right but why must Rios sound like a buzz kill every time?

“Okay, Luna?” Chieko asked, softly.

“...Fine.“ The archer replied, still pouting.

Rein gave her a nudge with his nose, signifying that he wanted her to let the issue go. Luna glanced at him for a few seconds before finally letting her annoyed look go.

“Thank you Luna.” Chieko said. 

Alden looked up at the sky and realized that the sun had already set a few minutes ago and it was starting to get dark. 

“Hey guys, we better find a place to camp soon.” he said, “It’s getting dark.”

“Yes, good idea.” Chieko responded, looking around the slowly dimming environment, “Let’s go.”

Alden and Chieko started to walk a few steps away, leaving Luna and Rios behind. The mercenary glanced at the archer.

“What?!” Luna asked, annoyed once again.

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