Chapter 4 (Edited)

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I looked at the person and saw it was some guy with black short hair and looked the same age as me.

He said" Why didn't you go to your locker today bitch?''

I made a lie up and said'' I had to help my mom at the beach but she had to go early so I had to finish it for her so that is why I wasn't at school."

He nodded looking unconvinced and let me go and walked away quickly.

I want to know who that guy is but also don't because if anything he could be a killer or a stalker.

I walked back to my car and started it up.

I drove home and once there I ran up to my room and took a shower.

I finished up my shower but when I got out I heard a noise in my room I changed in to a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

I took the bat that I forgot to put away yesterday and walked out of the room and found a little kitten on my bed sleeping.

I picked it up and layed it on my pillow that is way comfier than my bed.

I wonder who would do this to this poor innocent kitten.

I put a little blanket on the kitten and fell asleep.

Next Morning

I woke up at 4 am by my alarm clock that I set and took a shower.

Once I was done I got ready.

I wore some old clothes because I was going to groom this little kitten.

I got some shampoo and some towels and bowls of water.

I picked the kitten up and washed and dried him off.

I put him on my bed and once I put him down I named him Buck. I then turned around and looked at my clock. When I looked at the clock it was 6 A.M. I got dressed in a blue sundress, blue high-tops, a cookie monster hat, and a blue and white varsity jacket.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs I got a bowl of milk and brought it up to my room and put it on the ground so that Buck has something to drink while im gone.

I had 5 minutes in till I go to school so I made myself orange juice and drank it.

I wrote a note for my mom then went to my car.

15 Minutes Later

I got to school and parked in to a shaded area so my car doesn't get hot inside.

I got out of the car and walked up to the school with pride for some reason.

I was walking to my locker when the same black haired guy passed me.

I needed some answers about yesterday so I ran after him.

I yelled" WAIT MR WAIT!!!!!!".

He turned around and I finally caught up to him out of breath.

I asked" Why did you push me on the wall last''

He said" Im Robert and Alex told me to ask you why you didn't go to your locker and I knew you were stubborn so I made you listen to me by pushing you on the wall which I'm sorry about and then you told me that lie and I knew why you did it so I told Alex what you said so you wont be like all the other girls."

I nodded and hugged him and whispered" Thank you Robert you are very nice."

He said" Your welcome Danielle now Alex might be at your locker so I am going to take you to your locker and make him come with me ok?"

I nodded and we walked to my locker and guess who was there....Alex.

I went up to my locker and Robert told Alex that someone was touching his car and you should of seen Alex's face.

I opened my locker and got everything for every class before lunch. I walked to my first class of the day after organizing it.

End of School Day

Finally the school day is over.

I walked to my car and was about to get in but got pushed on my car by Alex.

He said" Where do you think your going babe?" in a seductive way.

I said" To the mall why do you need to know what im doing dickhead."

He just laughed and said" Well I am not a stalker and how about instead of the mall you come back to my place?"

I said" how about you go home by yourself and I go to the mall."

He just laughed again and said" No wait how about we go do something you want to do then something I want to do?"

I thought about it then said" No thanks ill just go by myself".

I got out of his grip and got into my car.

I drove off to the beach because I know he was going to go to the mall to find me and talk to me again.

I got to the beach and that's when a lot of stuff happened.

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