Chapter 7 - Just A Clone

Start from the beginning

"Cause parties are stressful, kid. But none of you should feel as stressed as I am here." Stan said jabbing himself in his chest with his thumb. "Now get out there. I need someone to man the ticket booth."

"What? Are you kidding me?!" Dipper protested. He looked away from Stan and over to Wendy giving Mabel some sort of advice while hanging streamers. "Can't you just get, I dunno, Soos to do it?"

"No. Soos is the DJ for the music." Stan said.

"Mabel?" He asked.

"She's uh.....She's social." Stan said looking over at her.

"Ty?" Dipper asked.

"Ty's makin' the punch. When he's done, then he can. But for now, it's your job." Stan said pointing the same thumb back behind him to the now set up ticket booth thanks to Soos.

"Fine." Dipper gave in. He walked away from Stan to think out loud to himself. "I only have so much party time with Wendy. I have to do something."

He looked up realizing he almost walked right into the table Ty was working on.

"Sup." Ty said as he stirred the mix.

"I don't know, Tyrone." Dipper said.

Ty looked over at Wendy and back to Dipper. "It's Wendy, isn't it?" He asked.

"When is it never her?" Dipper asked.

"I dunno man. I'm kinda wishing Grunkle Stan would let Rory into the party early so I could hang out with her." Ty admitted.

"Hey...Ty?" Dipper asked leaning against the table and tilting his head to the side to see Ty. "Do you like her?"

Ty's face lit up bright red. "Um. Well.....We've been friends all summer and she's been the best friend I ever had and she's really nice and cool and...."

Dipper couldn't help but smile at how relatable Ty was about this. He had a crush too!

"Your secret is safe with me, man. It's cool." Dipper said with a shrug. "But I wouldn't tell Mabel."

"Yeah....Right." Ty said rubbing the back of his neck. "H-have you figured out what's caused your guys' headaches?"

"No. Not yet. It's really bizarre.....Do you remember last year on our birthday? I can't remember it that well. I could've sworn yesterday I could remember it like it was....well, yesterday." Dipper said.

"I-I don't...." Ty said.

"Wait. You don't have a headache like us yet you can't remember anything like me?" Dipper asked.

"I guess." Ty shrugged nervously. Dipper eyed him again.

"Something is very fishy here." Dipper said to himself.

Grunkle Stan shoved Ty outside and into the ticket booth. Nearby, people of all ages were screaming for him to let them in. He wasn't the type to say no that easily. Especially to a giant and restless crowd like this.

"Let us in, guy!" One girl shouted.

"I-I can't." Ty said.

"Yeah! Let us in! We want to party!" A guy said.

"I uhhh." He looked around for someone or something to help him.

"Hey, back off!" A girl shouted to the crowd and walked around to the booth.

Ty felt so much better now. He smiled as she leaned on the board of the booth.

"Hey, Ror." He said. "Thanks."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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