Chapter five

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Hey guys! This is Skylar!( skybird45 )

My fanfiction will be Bildip and take place around Christmas time. I'm so glad to be a part of these amazing one shots!

Bill is a human in this setting. I hope you enjoy!

The wind blew softly as the snow fell slowly onto Dippers rosy nose. Bill stood by his side, the cold not getting to him. As for Dipper, he nuzzled into his scarf, and the chills wouldn't stop coming. Bill gazed down upon Dipper, wrapping his arm around the boy and pulling him closely to his warm chest. They were wandering the forest, taking in it's beauty as they stumbled upon a clearing. As expected the crazy boys  smiled happily and quickly ran to the piles of snow, creating snow balls and grinning at each other. Bills eyes widened at the growth of Dippers stack, as he used his powers to create even more snowballs than his partner. Dipper made his first move and threw a few, missing Bill each time. He soon ran out of snowballs and Bill had the upper hand. He threw them and hit Dipper almost every time.

They both laughed and walked back to each other. Bill sat down in the snow, motioning for Dipper to join him. Dipper sat down on Bills lap and wrapped his legs around Bills waist. He smiled and hugged the demon tightly, feeling the warmth. Bill chuckled as he placed his forehead on Dippers, "What are you doing?" He asked with a smile. Dipper replied with, "Mn." As he was too flustered to respond. Bill chuckled more, and rubbed the back of Dippers head comfortingly. Dipper smiled and his cheeks turned pink, he gripped Bills jacket lightly and didn't plan on letting go.

The wind whistled around them, the crisp winter air blowing the bare trees. It started to get dark, and Dipper had fallen asleep on Bills lap. Bill lifted Dipper and stood up, carrying him with ease. He walked up to the Mystery Shack, Mabel greeting him at the door. They exchanged smiles and Bill walked in, taking Dipper into the attic and laying him on his bed. Bill kneeled by the bed and shook Dipper gently "Dipper." He whispered and tried to get him up. Dippers eyes fluttered open, the first thing he saw was Bill holding the mistletoe over them and leaning in. Bills lips gently connected with Dippers, their eyes closed and Bill placed a hand on Dippers cheek. Dipper nuzzled into Bills hand and after a while, their lips parted. Bill smirked at Dipper as if he had got him that time. Dipper blushed more, surprised, and sat up in his bed. He took off his hat and placed it upon Bills hair, warmly whispering,
"Merry Christmas."

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