Hatred Territory

170 15 29

A weird, but good song. Cuss words are in it. Not recommended for kids


I'm sitting on the counter of the bathroom the lights out. The shadows of the room play with my mind. Each show a monster that will hunt me forever. The ticking of the clock echo's into my ear. It's so quiet, to where I can hear my tear drop hit the counter top. Another tear, for another lost person to my life. Another person who left me, for who I am. The thunder crashes from outside giving the moment a dramatic affect. What a classic, a weather that matches my mood. Just what I wanted. I roll my eyes at the thought.

I pull my legs up on the counter with me, so I'M hugging them with my arms. Burying my head, into my lap, I simply let the tears fall over.  I scream in order to let the pain out. Its not like anyone can hear me. Its not like anyone will actually caring. They'll probably think I'm screaming for fun. They'll believe it's for my simply pleasure.

The words of hate fills my mind pulling me over into a fright. I abruptly stand up and stare at the unseen wall. The voices of anger build up in my head. Each one, stacking on the next one. All of it making my body crumble down losing whatever support I had.

Try it, Ellie. Try, it.

It chants in my head. With a shake of my head, I clear the thoughts. I will not cave. Falling into what they say, WILL NOT HAPPEN.

Try it.

They chant in my head.

I cover my ears, and scream trying to get rid of the thoughts.

Pathetic. Worthless. Killer. Witch.

The voices continue, expanding to other words. Transforming and growing into harsher words

I speed walk to my room and hide under my covers. I attempt to use the thin sheet for protection.

"Hope," I whisper out to myself and I slowly letting the lulls of sleep pull me in. My body relaxing and the word 'hope' disappearing, demolished by the voices.


The sound of banging wakes me, with a startle, while sitting up I hear the noise again. Looking around my mind wonders to horrifying situations. The banging repeats and my groggy mind finally clicks. Quickly rolling over I groan in annoyance. I cover my head. I wish I could just fall back to sleep. Even with all of my wishing, the banging continues. I sit up in frustration, and look around as if my own space is alienated to me. The banging noise continues, giving me a constant reminder of why I'm awake. I get up in frustration and head to the kitchen.

As I reach the kitchen, my stomach grumbles indicating I made it to the right place. I automatically go to the cabinets, yet opening they greeted me with emptiness. Going to the other cabinets, I'm sent to the same results. Grumbling random words, not sure how to express my feelings, I finally start to turn toward the sink.

The sink is way overflowing. It's stacked with different assortments of utensils, plates, and other things needed to eat properly. The smell hits my nose on full force. I walk up to the sink, already regretting my laziness.  

The window above the sink shines from the sun that has reached the sky within my window. Other houses some distance away are beautifully displayed. All perfectly manicured and polished. The complete opposite to my own. My backyard is a mess with weeds all over and five foot grass covering the enter lawn.

The banging from earlier starts up again. My backyard is empty with nothing to be seen. I explore the rest of the house and forget the dishes and my starving belly. Nearly seeking out the whole house, I reach my last destination.

ALONEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora