Chapter #2

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| Ian Morgan |

I growled in defeat.

How the fuck was i going to walk to home looking like a raped victim?

My left eye was swollen and puffy and tender. I could hardly see anything. My shirt had a big ripped out hole in it.

Not to mention the blood dripping from my arm, the cut raw and angry.

Such a pleasant sight!

It hurt but I was a master of numbing out pain.

It must have been around eight or seven PM . I was standing, more like hiding in an alleyway , trying to merge into shadows.

No homeless person in sight.

I sighed happily.

I didn't want to go home. . .yet.

My home didn't feel much like one anyways.

Touching my arm accidentally, i swore loudly. It felt like a hundred needles were prickling it. I clamped my jaw shut ,feeling like someone was ripping my arm off of its socket.

Sweat was dripping from my forehead. I smelled like rat shit.

Not in the mood to do anything, i slid down against the hard wall,feeling exhausted.

I liked to feel exhausted to the very bone .It was the only way to keep his shitty face at bay. My brain would be too tired to think of anything else and-

Suddenly a feminine voice came from faraway,catching my attention .It was coming from the other end.

Her voice was chirpy.

Too chirpy.

I stopped breathing and waited for the new arrival so she could pass and get the fuck out of here without glancing at me.

And sure enough, after few moments i saw her figure emerging from the shadows. She had a cell pressed to her ear and her hand was cupping her mouth while she talked .Her attire was casual and. . .familiar.

What was so familiar about her? Must be from school or something,i shrugged.

"Yes,mom-no! Do not touch teddy-",her shrill voice echoed around the whole alley,making me wince.

Even in the dim light i could see her eyes were bright blue.

I turned away my head.

I hated blue.

"Mom please-yes I'm avoiding the alleyways," she paused "Yes,I'll be back in ten minutes."

I heard her stop in her tracks and my neck was forced to turn at her side,

One hand was on her hip and she was. . .glaring at me.

I raised my eyebrows.

"Hold on . I'll call you back," she said in a hurried manner and flipped her cell shut glaring openly at me again.

"Are you stalking me?," she snapped,moving her hair from her face.

I shook my head.

She couldn't see my face because my hair were covering my eyes and half of my face was covered by shadows.

For that,i was thankful.

"Did he sent you?," she asked,eyeing me up and down with open distaste.

So much for hiding.

She crossed her arms and tried to look brave.

I smirked.

"Who are you?"

Was she for real?

Who the fuck asks something like that from a total stranger in an alley?

And what the fuck was a girl doing inside an alley?

Did she not know it was dangerous?

My fingers found pebbles on the ground beside me and i grabbed them all.

"Get lost"

There was no use in playing the role of a gentleman.

I heard her gasp but didn't pay any attention to it .She could go to hell for all i cared.

"You don't tell me to get lost! I'll get lost when i want to get lost!" Her angry voice reached my ears but i was too absorbed in juggling the pebbles .

"Okay." I shrugged , eyes on the pebbles.

How did they juggle two things at a time? I could hardly juggle one.

I felt something sharp hit my shoulder and clattered on the ground. It seemed like she had thrown a pebble at me.I wasn't happy to know that she had closed the distance and was standing three feet away from me.

I growled inwardly and pulled my face right out of the shadows.

I glanced up at her so she could get a good look of my purple face and get the fuck away from me!

The angry look wiped off from her face as her eyes bugged out of their sockets and they could fall out if she didn't stop gaping at me like that.

I kept on staring at her forehead.

"That-you-oh my god!" She stuttered, covering her mouth with her hand.

I glanced away from her,feeling really angry all of sudden. Why the fuck was she still here? Standing over me?

"Are you alright?," she asked in a tiny voice.

I snapped . "None of your business."

"How-how did you get that-that thing on your arm?"

Didn't she know how to shut the fuck up?!

"Did it myself. It looks pretty." my voice dripped with sarcasm,feeling like to kill her.

"I can help you, " she said in a generous voice.


Help me.

Why did everyone think i needed help? Was there a fucking sign on my forehead that spelled help me?!

There was no use hiding in here. She would keep asking silly questions and i was too young to go to jail.

I stood up abruptly,startling her .She stepped back and i dusted my jeans .I could feel her eyes boring holes on my body .Now that i was standing ,i was towering over her .She was watching me with burning curiosity like she wanted to dissect me and see my insides.

Without further ado,i turned around and started to walk out of the alley as far as i could get from that annoying girl but a "Hey" from her stopped me in my tracks.

"Where you going?," her voice floated from behind me.

What was she?

My mother?

I whirled around and noticed she was right behind me.

She flinched back.

Her face turned red.

I let out a breath and stared at those disgusting blue eyes.

She stared back,biting her lower lip.

"If you know what's best for you, leave this alley right now. It's not safe."

Her eyes widened and i turned around,walking as fast as i could, ignoring the "Heys" and " wait up".

My job was done .If i saw her dead face in the newspaper tomorrow ,it would be her fault.

Not mine.


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