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| Ian Morgan |

I had to take her.

Leaning against my car, I waited patiently for her to come out into the parking lot. I texted her and she did agree.

I hope she agrees to what i have on mind.

Might be sudden to her but. .I wanted to do it. Every cell in my body asked me to go for it.

Crossing my arms, I shut my eyes and just. .drifted away. Let the sounds in the background die and float away to somewhere in my head. Too much noise can kill sometimes and the overzealous and obnoxious teens at the parking lot were doing just that. It didn't matter—


A chirpy voice made me open up my eyes and i squinted at the girl standing in my face. The sun was behind her so it took me some time to adjust my. .sight.

The zip of her hoodie was low enough to put everything on display.

I averted my eyes back to her face.

"You going home?" She smiled far and wide, her eyes expecting a yes.

"No. I'm going to the. . office. Liam wants to see me." I looked away, blatantly lying to her face.

She didn't let the smile on her face falter , not even when she knew I was shitting.

I did worry for her but it didn't mean she had to know everything about my life.

Chelissa gripped the straps of her backpack tightly.

"Okie dokie! I'll hitch a ride with Chuck."

"Didn't you guys break up?" I asked , genuinely worrying for her. The last time I heard, they weren't together.

"Yeah, we did. But one ride won't hurt right?" She winked.

"If you say so. Just . .text me when you reach home." I warned. At least I knew she was heading off with Chuck.

"I'll. Where's your tigress?" She asked, her eyes sparking in mischief.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

Chelissa rolled her eyes.

"Cut it out, Ian. You're bad at lying. I know you're waiting for her. And. .she kept glaring at me today. I wonder why. ." She mused darkly.

Glaring? At her?

That was news.

"Why would she do that?"

"Might be 'cause I'm wearing this." She jerked her chin downward at the hoodie she had on.

My hoodie.

Before I could open my mouth, she got on her tiptoes and kissed me on my cheek. And then she backed out, hollering at Chuck to wait up.

Did Hailey think I was. . .no way.

I had never thought of Chelissa as anything but a bratty sister I saved from early death. At first, she thought I was trying to get in her pants but that wasn't the case and. .she fell for me.


"Where you taking me?"

"My house. Home. Whatever you wanna call it."

She nodded, glancing out at the passing scenes.

I don't know what I had been expecting from her but this definitely wasn't it. I thought she would refuse or. .but she agreed.

With a cherry smile.

"Hailey?" I called her slowly.

"Yeah?" She didn't look at me.

Her hand was lying on her thigh and I reached out—covering her hand with mine. As if electrocuted, she snapped her neck in my direction. .her cheeks going scarlet.

Smiling, I looked ahead at the road while she gawked at me.

"I love you."

"Are you sure?" She asked me in a catty manner.

Raising my brows, I glanced at her.

"It don't sound like I love you too, Ian." I mocked.

She didn't like it.

"If you love me why was Chelissa wearing your hoodie?" Her icy voice could freeze me to death.

I shook my head.

"I didn't give it to her. She took it because it was cold outside. " I told her the truth.

"And she sported it today? I wonder who was she showing it to?"

I bit my lower lip.

"I told you she's like a sister for me—,"

"A sister who keeps kissing you whenever she likes it?" Her deathly calm voice did something to me.

So bad that I had to park the car at a secluded spot. Killing the engine, I turned my body at her. Her face was stoic and she looked a little. .hurt.

I shifted my weight and got near to her, as near as possible, then I took her cold hands into mine. She looked down, avoiding my gaze.

"Hailey, look up."

She didn't.


She did.

"It doesn't matter what anyone in this world think about me, what matters is what i think about them. I love you. I care for you. Chelissa is an. . . obligation. She needs my help."

"What kinda help?" She whispered.

"Her father is a coke addict, love. I saw her beaten up to death by her father. I want to honest with you , Hailey. I helped her how you help a wounded bird. Nurse it back and watch it fly away. Am I doing something bad here?" I asked her straight out.

I needed to know her feelings.

She looked conflicted.

Hailey watched our entwined hands as she said ," No. You definitely aren't. I'm. . I'm not the jealous type but I also don't like feeling out of the loop, Ian. You're my boyfriend. I have the right to know why she's wearing your clothes and kissing you like she knows your more than me." Her voice got low and I gripped her hands tighter ,"and now that you told me everything, I give you my word , I'll never doubt your intention towards Chelissa. Heck! I feel bad for thinking so. . .," She trailed off, looking disappointed over herself.

I smiled , lifting my hand and cupping her cheek. .she leaned into my touch.

"Thanks. I won't be able to do anything if you ever thought low of me."

It was her who closed in the distance and kissed me on the mouth.

I got her trust back.

The rest of the drive, I told her everything about Chelissa and how she crossed my path. She listened attentively, believing every word. And that minute , I couldn't help but feel bless.

There was a person who believed in me when no one did.



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