The Borrower (Part 1)

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WildSong stared at the human with curiosity. She had never seen a human up close, but, since this one is a heavy sleeper, WildSong had the chance that no other borrower could get since humans were very dangerous. WildSong remembered the day her brother was snatched by an eagle, which made WildSong wonder, was the eagle actually a human that was trying to protect them? It had a thoughtful and friendly look in it's eyes when it snatched her brother, CloudStrike, which made WildSong more cautious than she already was.

But the one memory that she had never forgotten was the capture of her eldest sister, Wildstar. WildSong remembered her last words before she had t flee for her life: "Run, and look for me when you find sanctuary. Look for a human or any other creature with golden eyes and brown hair! Now run!" WildSong was now wishing that she had't obeyed her sister's last request towards WildSong, and sighed heavily.

She then froze when she heard the human groan, which sounded more beast-like. WildSong wondered wether or not the human was an animus. Animus humans were the most dangerous types of creatures a borrower can come across. they were basically hidden predators and, could shift into their predator forms.

WildSong had just noticed the armor that the human had put up for display. it was golden dragon scales, with a diamond lining. Next to the armor was a golden staff with a dragon on top, which had garnet eyes. Leaning against the humans desk was a sword of many gems, and a bow. the arrows had predator fangs for the arrowheads. Was the human a predator hunter, or did she kill out of self defense?

The human stirred, causing WildSong to be shoved off the bed by it's leg. She fell into a bag pocket, and writhed around, trying to grab onto one of the interior pockets. She managed to grip one of the widest pockets, and slithered into the pocket, trying to calm herself down.

"what was that?" the human said. The human's hoarse voice sounded like the deep voice of a male (almost like deadlox's!), rather than a feminine voice.

WildSong sighed, wondering if the human ever checked the pocket WildSong was trapped in. She sighed hopelessly, and curled up, trying to fall asleep.

My Sister the Borrower (Discontinued, sorry :( )Where stories live. Discover now