Wicked: A Slice of Damon for Breakfast

Start from the beginning

       “Just eat first.” He ordered. “We’ll hash everything out after breakfast.”

       I nodded, agreeing silently. Honestly, my appetite has already gone downfall but as soon as I tasted the waffles once more, my appetite came back and I had a couple more rounds of sausages and pancakes after. Although the worry for our future conversation was eating me up, I still wish it would make me believe in us more.

       If someone told me yesterday I’d be having this breakfast with Damon this morning, I would have probably laughed at them and have pushed them off the boat or off a cliff.

       After breakfast, Damon ushered me to the only room in the house—his room, a beautiful combination of contemporary and nature-inspired fixtures that immediately caught my liking. He tossed me a grey shirt and a pale red, gartered ombre swim trunk that stopped past my knees.

       “Am I not allowed to be sexy today?” I asked as I criticized them in front of the mirror.

       “You have no choice.” Damon said, smirking. “Besides, no one’s going to see you so you don’t need to be sexy.”

       Oh, oka—wait, hang on. No one was going to see me?

       “What exactly are we doing?” I asked, suddenly horrified by the thought of having no idea what was to come. “Aren’t we going to talk?”

       “Actually…” Damon trailed off, pursing his lips before continuing. “We’ll discuss it later after.”

       I frowned. “After what?”

       The Devil smirk appeared once again and for a while I felt nostalgic. “You’ll see.” He said.

       “Why?” I asked. “You promised after breakfast!”

       “I didn’t promise.” He defended. “But I promise after this, we’ll really talk.”

       The first thing that came up to mind was Darren. And Eva. I really could care less about Sam since I could simply explain everything to her later on but what about Darren and Eva? How are we going to explain everything to the both of them?

       Maybe that’s the whole point of our talk later…

       “Louise… Louise. Louise?”

       “Huh?” I asked.

       “I asked if you mind waiting for me outside. I’m gonna get changed.” Damon demanded in a very gentle voice. It sounded so foreign given the atrocity he’d shown these past few days. “Unless you prefer to stay and watch—“

       “I’ll be outside.” I said, cutting him off before my cheeks completely go nuts. “I need to get changed too anyways.”

       “You can change in the bathroom, right here.” He offered, pointing to the wooden door that was five feet away from the closet we were standing at.

       I nodded quickly, heading towards the bathroom he just pointed. “Yeah, thanks.”

       I was disgracefully horrified by the appalling sight I witnessed at the full length mirror inside Damon’s bathroom. How had he managed to stare at me without laughing? Or even running to the nearest mountain? I looked like apocalypse… enough said.

       Desperately, I searched for any kind of comb or brush, and failed miserably. As a result, I frantically patted and ran my hand through my hair, not succeeding to do any significant good result.

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