Elsa's Birthday

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A week later.

Once I woke up I saw Anna hovering over me with a big cake.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Anna you scared the living crap out of me!!! I yelled startled." Sorry Elsa I just wanted to surprise you with a birthday cake Anna said." How did you get in here Anna? I asked." I made myself a key just in case I needed to get in here". Anna replied.

"Anyway Elsa I have a whole day planned out for us today, so today your birthday is going to be great! Anna squealed." Yay I can't wait I said gloomily." Hey what's wrong birthday girl you seem down? Anna asked disappointed." It's just with all that's happen in the past few weeks, I wasn't really thinking about my birthday I replied.

"Oh come on Elsa don't be like that, today's a day you need to just let go of what happened in the past couple of weeks and just enjoy yourself for today, so get your butt out of bed and come on  because we are going to have a fun day today Anna said while grabbing Elsa out of bed. I quickly got dressed and then Anna and I headed out.

In the car.

"So Anna where are we going I asked while breaking the silence in the car." You will see Anna replied. I rolled my eyes and sighed. 20 minutes later we arrived at a bowling alley.

"Anna this is not such a great idea because I have no idea how to bowl I said as we walked in." Well that's what I am here for and plus this going to be a fun day after all we've been threw Anna said.

We went to the counter to get our shoes and then we got our bowling balls and went to a lane.

"So Elsa this how you bowl, you have to put your fingers threw the hole and then pull your arm back and slide it and let go Anna said. I did that and my bowling ball  bounced hard on the lane and went straight into the gutter." That's ok Elsa you will get better Anna said.

2 hours later.

"Wow Elsa I am so proud of you you scored a 89 for your first time bowling Anna said." Yeah it was pretty fun I must admit I said while smiling." Is that a smile I see coming from Elsa Anna said cheesy." Oh shut up I said while rolling my eyes." Come on Elsa lets go I got another surprise for you Anna said as she grabbed by arm and pulled me out the door.

30 minutes later.

They were at a horse track.

"I have always wanted to ride a horse but when I was younger I was so afraid of hurting it with my ice powers I said while hugging Anna. Then I saw this figure in black go over by the horses and put some magic on it and the horse fell.

"Hey!!! I yelled while shooting my ice at him but I missed him by a inch." Elsa what's wrong did you see something? Anna asked." Yeah I did and we need to get out of here now I said while grabbing Anna and running.


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