Chapter 13 - Pearl discovery

Start from the beginning

Arriving at her home to see Cerise knocking on her front door, sent a shaft of terror down her spine. Duane let out an eerie, threatening bellow, which had Cerise turning to him in shock.

"Get away from my house!" Millie shouted, once Duane had set her on her feet.

She had no idea where her gumption came from, but the thought of Cerise being anywhere near Jake, set of her motherly instincts. She went into protect and keep mode, without a thought.

"I am here to acquire something, petty human," Cerise glared, and Millie froze in fear.

"You will stay away from my house," Millie forced herself to approach the dragon that threatened her family.

"Or what? You have nothing to harm me with." Cerise threw back her head and laughed.

Duane had watched the exchange with interest. Cerise hadn't realised that she stepped back and away from Millie. That left a malicious smile on Duane's face. The fear in her eyes that she tried to keep hidden, but it was there.

"You truly think Camille has nothing to harm you with," Duane sounded sly, which caught Millie's attention.

"She is a human, only good enough to be my dinner," Cerise sneered.

"You are scared of a human, Cerise, admit it," Duane's amusement increased. "Step towards her, Camille."

Millie took the step cautiously unsure of what would happen. Her eyes widened when Cerise quickly moved away from her. The way her eyes shifted between Duane and Millie showed the fearfulness.

"Thank you," Millie raised her chin to Cerise feeling powerful for the first time in front of this woman.

"For what?" Cerise snapped.

"Moving away from my house." Millie replied decisively.

Millie stood in the doorway triumphantly, feeling her terror of Cerise starting to wane. Duane came up to her side, and wrapped a secure arm around her shoulders.

"What is going on out here?" Katrina swung the door to the house open wide, and stared at the three of them.

"I'm here for my pearl," with her confidence restored, Cerise faced Katrina.

"Giving her the pearl, no matter how much she will pay you, may cost your sister her life," Duane's serious tone had Millie glancing up at him.

"What are you talking about?" Millie asked frantically, as panic hit her in the chest.

"The pearl is for your protection, Camille, from her." Duane pointed an accusing finger at Cerise.

"What?" Both human sisters looked to each other, before darting eyes between the dragon siblings.

"I have the payment as promised." Cerise interrupted the stunned silence.

"Why do you want to hurt my sister?" Katrina crossed her arms, and glared at Cerise.

"How can you not see her evil intent?" Cerise suggested, making Katrina let out a laugh.

"Millie? Are you trying to call Millie evil?" Katrina snorted. "Have you ever met her? My sister is the nicest person that I've ever met in this crap world. She keeps helping me, when I sure as hell don't deserve it. She is the reason that I try to do better. The last thing you can call my sister is evil," Katrina shouted at a scowling Cerise.

"You will sell me the pearl." Cerise snapped.

"No, I won't, especially if you would be able to use it to hurt Millie." Katrina stood her ground.

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