Chapter 13

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Laura's POV

Its been 2 whole weeks since we met with Mark and everyone's been acting strange. Today i have a Spa day with Stormie and i have no idea how to act, I mean we haven't officially ruled out the idea of ruining the wedding but we're also thinking about not doing it. I don't know but, I'm just scared i guess.

"Laura!! Stormie's here" Vanessa yelled from outside.

I sighed and fixed my make up, I wore a blue crop with white short shorts and blue converse. i wrapped a strip of cloth around my head tide it. i wore basic make up and looked at myself in the mirror. I grabbed my neon pink backpack and left my room

"Hi sweetie, ready to go?' Stormie said hugging me.

"Um...yeah" I said casually. She nodded walked to the door. I followed an took a deep breath before leaving the room and shutting the door.

I followed her outside the lobby. We walked outside to the car and got.

I awkwardly at in the car looking around

"Nice rental. what is a mustang?" I asked looking around

"I asked Damiano to just borrow a simple car, but simple isn't in his vocabulary" She chuckled.

"Tell me about it! For my 14th Birthday Party he got Rihanna to sing her whole album, you could say i was the coolest kid in middle school" I chuckled

"We can't change him but we love him" She chuckled and popped a CD in the Cchuckling

Shut and dance came on and my eyes widened hearing the beginning.

"You know walk the moon?!" I asked her shocked

"How old do you exactly think I am?" She said chuckling

We sung our hearts out. Getting weird looks from people but do you really think we cared?

We finally made it to the spa and got out car. We walked inside and went to the counter.

"Hi we have a reservation for Marano" Stormie said smiling at the lady.

"Ah, yes right here, please follow me" The lady said leading is to a room.

Stormie and I walked into the room and instantly people began giving us manipedes.

"So Stormie, why did you invite me here?" I asked her

"You seem like the one I'm gonna be close with" She said casually.

"Not following you"

"Ross and I are close, since you 2 are so much alike I assumed-"

"Whoa,  whoa there lady, we are nothing alike" I corrected her.

"Oh really, I'd even say you have a little crush on him" She said teasing me.

"Psh, please, me and Ross, no! You should really be worrying about Rocky and Maia! Their acting coupley." I said my voice getting higher at each word

The rest of the evening was full of giggles and laughs. I got to admit Stormie is freakin awesome. I would love her as a step mom.

But then I thought of it again. I like Stormie? I want her to replace my mom? Oh god. What am I gonna do?

Stormie left the carpark and was on the highway. We were having a full on convo about how she met dad it was super romantic!

She was at a charity event with her sister and she bumped into dad. They talked to about an hour until he disappeared she later found out he was the charity event host. It was love at first sight.

Do I guess she isn't a gold digger. I looked at her again. Blonde, fairly young, gorgeous, sense of humor and absolutely amazing, there was no reason for dad not to fall in love with her. How am I suppose to tell the others?

Finally Stormie dropped me off at the hotel she had to go do wedding stuff. I asked her I could come she said it was really boring. I nodded and got out the car and walked outside. I smiled at the front desk guy and ran up the stairs to my room.

I opened the door to find everyone sitting on the couch watching The Fosters.

"Omg! How did it go?" Vanessa asked standing up and walking towards me.

"Um...Good, I guess...I dont know, I'm gonna go lie down" I said very confused and walked to my room and slammed the door shut.

Ratliff's POV

I flinched at the bang off the door being slammed shut. Wonder what's got her in the mood?

No big brother likes seeing his litter sister sad. It just gives them a weird feeling.

I looked at Maia who was laughing at something on Rocky's phone. I better keep and close eye on that.

I looked at Luna who was coloring with Ryland. I better keep an eye on that too.

Even thought Nessa is still older than me, I still have to look after her. I eyes Riker who was staring Vanessa without even blinking. a bit STALKERISH but hey I don't judge. Especially since he's older that me and can kill me.

Then I glanced at the door that Laura was behind. I sighed and continued watching the show.

I'd never admit but I love these guys.

Wonder what Laura's up to..
GAH! I know havent updated in like forever I'm sorry! I'm a sophomore! I have things to do! Jk, I was just lazy anywho, My life is going great thanks for asking XD. Hope You Guys Liked it! 1 Love That Is A Wrap And Zoop!

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