Chapter 5: A Swift Maraud

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Chapter 5: A Swift Maraud

A thousand and half archers fixed arrows into their bows and waited...

Hadrian frantically got down his horse and ran towards Vilgard. "This is a child's ploy. Fight with your blades." The Bayton Lord looked helplessly at his men. They stood distraught, unsure of what to do next.

Then came the roar; battle cries escaped the lips of Baytonmen and they began to cause a clamor with steel swords. Hadrian darted to his horse.

"At him!" Vilgard ordered. "He shall not be part of this carnage."

So the King's guards went after Hadrian... And caught him halfway. Some Baytonmen's javelins flew at Hadrian's capturers but deflected off Erisen shields.

"My Lord. We do not have to do this," said Lord Fendrel. "We can still have their allegiance."

"Hadrian is a stubborn man. He will not yield," said Vilgard, failing to conceal the pity in his voice. "Thomson, give the command."

The Knight Commander did...

... And a thousand and five hundred arrows flew at the approaching Baytonmen. A few of them had wooden shields but the greater lot had no shields. When the arrows descended, many Baytonmen died.

"Noooooo!" Roared Hadrian. He seized a sword from the scabbard of an Erisen soldier and cut open the first archer he saw. The poor man choked on his blood and died.

"Get on my horse Harold," Lord Fendrel said to him.

By the time Hadrian was restrained, the Baytonmen had lost two-third of their numbers. Foolishly, they still advanced on the soldiers of Erise, in a quest to rescue their king.

"No, you fools!" Hadrian barked at them. "Go, retreat! Protect our children and wives. Protect Bayton!"

Harold witnessed as the weakened Bayton soldiers retreated - trying desperately to escape a flurry of arrows. He also saw Fendrel's hands grip the reins of his horse until they turned white as he watched the bloody scene.

"Thomson, take two thousand men and go after them. Seize Bayton and all its treasures. Kill only men and only those who fight you." Vilgard faced Hadrian. "You think me cruel? You really believe I would hurt Bayton women and children?"

Hadrian spat on the ground before him. "I think the worst of you Vilgard."

"Well, I did give you the chance to ally with me."

Hadrian said nothing.

"Hmm, you wouldn't like to talk about Arnold now, would you?"

"That's King Arnold - KING. You will never be half the man he was."

Vilgard smiled. "My apologies." But that was all he said.

Erisens gave chase to the men of Bayton and Harold itched to follow. He hopped down the saddle.

"Get back here!" Fendrel shouted at him.

"But but - "

"Come here now!"

Vilgard's attention was bought and Harold found the King looking at him, again. "The little one wants to see. What is your name boy?"


"Hmm. Now I remember. Harold?"


"Yes, what?" Fendrel warned, pulling his ear.

Harold winced and corrected himself. He bowed to Vilgard. "Yes, my lord."

Vilgard laughed heartily. "Oh, the irony." The King turned to Fendrel hoping the scribe would laugh with him but Fendrel smiled not.

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