Don't leave

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing as I walked through the door.  Suitcases were sprawled all over the living room floor to our apartment.  I knew this was going to happen sooner or later.  All we've done is argued for months now.  I thought it was going to get better within two weeks of arguing but I was wrong. 

I didn't want him to leave.  I was heartbroken at the sight of this.  Harry was standing in the middle of the living room with one of the suitcases in his hand.  I dropped my bag and coat and expeditiously shook my head.  Harry can't leave me.  I'll break if he does. 

"Don't do this," I whimpered and let the tears fall.  "Don't do this to me!" I yelled.  "You can't leave me.  You just can't!"

"I have to," he said. 

"Harry, think about this.  Please!  Just think about the outcome of this!"

"I have.  I think it's best if we go our separate ways for now.  It's not healthy for us to argue like this." He said and looked down.

"I'll stop arguing.  I'll stop all of it if it means you'll stay." I cried and walked up to him. 

"It's too late, (y/n)." Harry said and moved away from me.

"It's not too late.  We can fix this."

"We can't." He shook his head.  I wished he would stop disagreeing with me.  I just wanted him to tell me that we can work this out.  That I'm worth fighting for.  I wanted him to pull me in close and hold me tight.  To never let me go. 

"We can.  You know we can." I said and grabbed his hand. 

Harry pulled his hand from mine and stuffed it in his pocket.  He didn't want me to touch him.  "I don't love you anymore."

I froze.  I couldn't believe what I just heard.  I stopped all movement and all thoughts.  I couldn't control my actions anymore.  My body fell to the ground and I held myself as I cried.  I never wanted to hear him say that, but it did and I can't handle it.  He meant to much to me to just let him go. 

"Harry," I cried.  "Harry, baby, don't do this to me, please." I sobbed and looked up to meet his eyes.  He only looked at me with sorrow.  He were sorry for me. 

"Please," I stood up and held his shirt tight where his chest was at.  "Kiss me one last time and then tell me you don't feel our love anymore." I said and closed my eyes really hard to let every last tear drop.  I could feel the air between us getting thicker and next thing I knew, Harry kissed me.  I tightened my grip on his shirt and held him as close to me as I possibly could.

When he pulled away I pressed my forehead against his.  He shook his head and moved away from me, making me loose me grip on him.  "I can't, (y/n).  I don't love you." Harry said and walked out of our apartment, leaving me with a broken heart.

"Don't leave," I cried and held myself as I realized I let him go. 

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