Eternal - Chapter Twenty-Eight

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AHHHHHHH!!!! I'm nothing in the werewolf category I was 225# when I posted the last chapter, I guess I'm going to have to update more often, please vote and comment etc! Keep me in the 200's#


Caelan walked past me smirking and straight upstairs with Alice practically running behind him to keep up with his huge strides, Will trailed behind closing the door slowly and placing his head against it as he breathed deeply counting from one to ten in order to calm his anger, I have to say though that doesn't really help one bit.

"He can't be in this house." Will said finally as he turned around to face me a sorrowful expression on his face, my eyes lingered again to the place where the smudge had been it seemed like every time I looked at him all I saw was the guy who practically said he loved me then kissed my best friend, what a keeper eh?

"Well try telling him that." I muttered watching the last of Caelan's feet going out of view, there was no doubt he could here Will and I right now. "I'm going upstairs goodnight William." Will frowned but said nothing as I turned and ran upstairs after Caelan and Alice.

Alice, Ellie, Caelan and Aaron were all sat in Aaron's room when I found them, they were all sat laughing and drinking Caelan and Aaron were talking non-stop about god know's what while Alice and Ellie looked like they were bickering about something.

"Blaire Cae here's the bomb, he's better than that other A-hole." Caelan laughed loud and clapped Aaron on the back softly grinning at him, I smiled eyeing Caelan suspiciously.

"Yeah he is a bit of a A-hole Aaron."Caelan agreed smirking wickedly at me. "Arn't you William." Will peeked his head around the door from behind me and glared at his twin brother.

"Ooo are you joining us Willie." I cracked up laughing at Alice even though she had a pet name for Will, soon everyone but Alice and Will was laughing with me.

"Yeah Willie are you joining the party?" Caelan asked Will teasingly raising a shot glass to Will from where he was sat on the floor by Aaron, Alice and Ellie.

"Yeah Caelan I will." Will came into the room and stood beside me putting a arm around my waist, I glared at him but he kept it there firmly before I grabbed his hand and removed it forcefully and moved away from him to sit by Aaron and Caelan. Will just sulked and leaned against the closed door.

"Rejected." Caelan shouted loudly, Aaron started laughing and high-fived Caelan with a grin.

"Burn." He muttered raising his eyebrows at Will.

"Blaire wanna drink?" Caelan asked handing me a bottle even though I hadn't answered, Will opened his mouth as if he were about to protest but I glared at him and he kept quiet.

"Thanks." I murmured to Caelan.

"I can think of a better way you could thank me." I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him with a grin, Will growled from the doorway threateningly staring at his brother.

"Stop trying to mess with her head." Will grunted.

"Hey we all know that's not my target." Caelan retorted, I laughed and shoved his arm which casually moved to rest around my shoulder, I would have moved it but the look on Will's face was too priceless so I left it there not even bothering to move it.

"Hey Willie wanna go start where we left off." I glared at Alice as soon as she suggested it to Will and stood to walk over to him, everyone else noticed my glare but Alice so she took to silence as a invitation to walk over to Will putting her hands all over him when he didn't answer, his eyes stayed fixed on mine.

"Yeah Will why don't you finish what you started earlier?" Caelan was deliberately trying to wind Will and I up obviously for different reasons, the angrier I got the more I wanted payback on Will, the angrier he got the more he wanted to kill his brother.

"Will?" Alice was pawing at his chest and trying to catch his attention.

"Well what are you waiting for?" I coulden't control my own speech as I stood up shrugging Caelans arm from me, damn werewolf build-up crap, I was suddenly feeling the need to challenge Will just to see what he would do. This felt like a defining moment for the two of us, if he chose Alice he would never get me, if he didn't then we were back to normal well as normal as I could ever get with Will.

"You know perfectly well what i'm waiting for." I frowned at him when he replied, the room was still silent the tension could be literally cut with a knife, it felt like the only two people there were Will and I.

"What's your choice?" I asked. Will rolled his eyes at me and carefully pushed Alice to one side

"You know my choice." The way he spoke as he stepped in front of me was challenging but soft and quiet, I couldn't ignore the tingles shooting through my skin when he took my hands in his softly. "Blaire please." My heart was thumping away in my chest so loud I'm surprised the wholeroom coulden't here it.

"Will I already told you how I feel..." I murmured softly, I heard sharp intakes of breath from the others in the room but my eyes met Will's bright blue smouldering eyes and then he was all I was focused on.

"But you know how I feel." Will kept his eyes on mine as he spoke, my hands still rested delicately in his. When I said nothing he shook his head and sighed "Can we go back to normal? Friends?" I nodded slowly and pulled my hands slowly from his and stepped back a little.

"Goodnight Blaire." Will nodded keeping his eyes on mine as he left the room, until the door closed behind him.

"I'm going to bed." I muttered, I left the room not looking back at anyone on my way out, now wasn't the time to deal with everyone else as well.

I walked down the stairs quietly and sighed deeply as I reached the bottom step. My back hit the wall suddenly as someone pushed me into it, the only thing I registered was bright blue eyes before his lips were on mine, he kissed me hungrily. Subconsciously I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck at the same time he put both his hands on my waist.

My mind wasn't being coherant all that I could feel was need and the fact that I did want the person kissing me right now. His hands lifted my legs to hook around his waist before he rested them on my hips.

"Get a room!" I unhooked my legs startled by the voice breaking my subconscious actions, Betty stood in the doorway of what was probably her room smirking at me in her  white nightgown.

"Sorry" My eye's cast to the voice of the person I'd been kissing as he spoke, Will. 

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