Part 2: The Burn-Ward

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After Sniper left the room Medic and Pyro ended up watching the movie next to each other, keeping silent the entire time. After the movie Engie grew worried and walked over to the two, "Doc? You alright?" "Ja, Pyro's helping me out.." He smiled weakly and stood up, helping up Pyro. He looked around as everyone else left and decided to get away from anymore questions as fast as he could.

The next morning there was another battle, everyone was waiting at the gates besides sniper who stayed inside the respawn area. Medic was healing Pyro who gave a warm muffle back to him. Medic had a great idea and whispered it to Pyro so no one else could hear. Pyro squeaked happily at Medic's idea and they waited for the gates to open. The administrator soon yelled over the microphone, "FIVE. FOUR. THREE. TWO. ONE. MOVE!"
They all rushed out and Medic stayed close the Pyro, running with him out to their first point. The two did a great job defending, Medic popping an Über whenever they needed the extra boost or if there was a rush of enemies. Once the round was almost over and it seemed as if they were going to win a wave of BLUs had ran in, raining Pyro and Medic with bullets. They ran for cover and knew exactly what to do. The two fused into a giant man, which resembled more of Medic. It had his coat which was now a light pink and was slightly burnt at the edges. He was wearing a gas mask and like most of their fusions do have four arms. The only thing that was off about him was his size, he was much taller than Crossbow, but was also much skinnier. He walked out from behind the cover and looked to the BLUs, once he saw them his head started to twitch and he let out a muffled yet gleeful cheer.
The BLUs just stared at him in horror, freezing them to the ground. Sniper who was running to his station looked out a window and saw the new fusion, himself freezing in horror. The fusion walked over and picked up the over sized syringe-gun from his belt, pointing it at the BLUs. They were then pelted with a rain of fiery needles. They all tried to run away but eventually burned to death through their escape. The fusion grinned under the gas mask and walked over, picking up the slightly burnt body of the Scout and the other Medic. It started to play with them like they were dolls, making them dance around, hug each other. Soon after playing though the fusion got angry, standing up and tearing the bodies in half. Sniper was watching the whole thing and decided to run down, "Bloody hell..." He grew pale once he noticed the fusion that was towering over him. The fusion slowly looked down to him and its head started to twitch again, making it pick up Sniper and examine him. One hand was put up to the fusions chin while the other three held up Sniper and turned him around. The battle was called off as the RED team won and everyone rushed down to see what had happened. Engie was the first to burst out from the crowd and tug on the fusions coat, "You two, put him down now!" The fusion looked down to Engie and grew warm seeing a kind familiar face. It set Sniper down on the ground who scurried back, "This ain't a good fusion, neither of them are stable." They didn't un-fuse, and the administrator didn't say anything.

Once inside the base all the mercs quickly sped to their rooms to get away from the new fusion, except for Engie. He brought them into Medic's lab and handed it a teddy bear which was drastically dwarfed by the fusions size. It turned the teddy bear around curiously before ripping it apart, curious as to what was inside, only to be disappointed by cotton. Engie walked out to see the fusion and sighed, "Listen you two, if you don't un-fuse soon I'll force you to come out. This ain't safe for no one." The fusion shook its head and started to shiver, "Fine, we'll call ya Burn-Ward then." Burn-Ward giggled happily and picked back up the teddy bear. He stared at it for a good while before steam started coming out from the gas mask. Engie looked surprised by this and backed up. The eyes from the mask started to get dimmer as Burn-Ward hunched over. He soon ruptured into a flash of light and the two un-fused. Medic fell of the floor and Pyro was laying down on the operating table, now sleeping. Engie took a moment to figure out what happened before running over to Medic, who was now coughing out smoke, "Doc, are ya okay? Why did you two fuse?!"

Medic took a few seconds to clear his lungs and looked up to Engie, "Ve vere going to die.. My head hurts so much.." Medic sat up and Engie sighed worriedly, "But why did ya stay fused?" "It vas, nice at zhe time.. Someone who understood me..." Engie started pacing around the room, he took off his helmet and started rubbing his chin, "Alright, but you're both unstable, mentally. You two aren't allowed to fuse, ya got it?" Medic nodded slowly and looked at Pyro who was sleeping peacefully on the operating table, "Ya got it?" Engie repeated but louder this time, "Ja vhatever, just get out of my lab.. Zhere's no battle tomorrow and for zhe rest of zhe veek, I plan on getting a good rest." Engie nodded and walked out of the lab, leaving Pyro on the table. Medic sighed and walked to his room in the back as Engie left, dressing into his pajamas and flopping down on the bed. Before he turned off the lights in his room he watched the smoke flutter out from his mouth, and took note of how uncomfortably warm his chest was. He sighed and turned off the lights, falling asleep quickly soon after.

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