Part 1: After Battle

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RED base:
7 mercenaries from the RED team were celebrating after their victory, drinking beer and telling each other jokes and stories about what happened on the battlefield. Two of them were absent from the party though, medic and spy. This made sniper uneasy as he remembered what happened during the battle as they tried capturing the point. He was just worried about medic, he could care less about what Spy was doing away from the celebration which now turned into everyone else watching Demo and Soldier fight each other.
Medic was sprinting back after a BLU soldier had blown up Heavy, Sniper saw and quickly rushed down and tackled Medic to save him from a rocket the soldier shot. The two fused into Crossbow and took out the soldier, keeping on the point until they won the round. Happy with their victory the two stayed fused and walked back to the base, but soon after as they entered the base the administrator boomed over the microphones, "SNIPER, MEDIC, UN-FUSE AT THIS MOMENT, WE HAVE RULES AND YOU MUST FOLLOW THEM." Everyone looked at crossbow and he took off his hat. The two quickly un-fused and looked in different directions. Sniper looked over to Medic who was about to burst into tears, "Ve can't.." "Doc, I know just-" Medic sprinted away and down the hallway, presumably going into his lab. Spy just snickered and went along his own way. After that sniper just sat with the others as they partied and laughed as Demo missed a clear shot at Soldier.
Sniper grumbled something and stood up, walking away from the mess hall and down the hallway medic sped through. He reached his lab soon enough and walked through the twin doors, looking around, "You there doc?" Medic had walked out from another room, drenched in blood. He licked a drop off from his lips as he looked over to sniper and back down to the floor. Sniper was taken aback and was slightly grossed out, but he kept his ground, "I just wanna talk.." Medic sat down on the operating table and gestured for Sniper to sit next to him. Sniper did so and scooted slightly away.
"Vhat is it?" "I just, I know we can't fuse but, I want to be with you.. I feel empty without you.." Medic was silent for a while before he crossed his arms, "I feel zhe same vay.." Medic looked over to Sniper and chuckled lightly, unwrapping his arms and giving him a big hug. "Doc cmon, you're covered in blood!" Medic quickly backed away and looked at sniper, "Oops, my bad.." He couldn't help but smile and looked down. Sniper tried wiping the blood off his clothes and Medic just laughed again, "I'll clean up, but don't go anyvhere I have an idea." He grinned and walked out to his room in the back.
Sniper waited for Medic to come back out and when he did his clothes were clean and he was holding an oversized vest. Sniper chuckled and raised an eyebrow, "Wot's that for?" Medic slipped on the vest and walked over to sniper, pulling it over his head. They both had their arms through the holes and slightly resembled crossbow. Medic smiled in triumph and took off his tie, tying it around snipers collar and tucking it in. "Look, now ve're fused." Sniper chuckled and the two moved out of the lab and out to the mess hall fairly quickly for being stuck together. On their way down they kept giggling to themselves about how awkward it looked, but it worked. They walked down into the mess hall and as soon as they entered all eyes went to them.
The two walked over and sat down on a chair. Sniper was in Medic's lap and nearly crushing him into the chair, but they both just smiled. They just watched and heavy slowly spoke up, "What are you two doing..?" Medic peeked out from behind Sniper's head and grinned, "Ve're fused." Sniper nodded in response. "Alright, Crossbow, but you shouldn't let zhe Administrator know." Spy walked out from his room and paced behind the two. Medic growled and looked back at Spy but Sniper tried to calm him down, "Shush doc, don't worry 'bout spook.." Medic sighed and turned back, crossing his arms in front of Sniper's chest. Spy chuckled and sat down at the table. By now the partying went down and so did the talking. Everyone was just sitting there awkwardly until one by one they all left saying it was getting late and that they had the battle to get ready for the next day. Sniper and Medic sighed in unison before deciding to stand up. Medic slid the vest off of them and walked back to his lab, hunched over and letting the vest drag behind him. Sniper watched him walk away and sat back down, "Thanks a lot spook.."
"No problem amigo, just give a call next time you don't want to get your heads chopped off." Spy grinned and walked away to his smoking room, leaving Sniper to sit at the table. He stayed there until morning, not wanting to go to his van. The first person to wake up besides sniper who stayed up with his mug in hand was Scout. He skipped down to the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge, getting a bowl of old cereal.
He sat down next to sniper and started eating, "Oi, scout.." "Yeah?" scout looked up to him with a mouthful of cereal. "Why did.. nevamind.." Scout nodded slowly and quickly got back to his cereal. Soon after the rest of their teammates all dressed and holding weapons walked out to the front gates. Sniper quickly got ready and lagged behind them, running to catch up. He walked beside Medic who was looking down at the floor before noticing Sniper's foot. He grinned and looked up, knowing their plan.
As they got ready to defend their point the Administrator boomed over, counting them down. Once she yelled one the gates opened and they all rushed out, except for Sniper and Medic. The two fused and Crossbow ran out into battle. They easily defended the points but time after time Crossbow would slip up on purpose and give the enemy extra time just so they could stay fused longer.
After about half an hour they won the battle due to crossbow and rushed out away from the cameras, into their base. They successfully made it inside, no administrator yelling at them to un-fuse. Crossbow smiled in triumph and sat down on one of the couches. The rest of the team walked in behind Crossbow, talking and laughing. Engie chuckled and looked at Crossbow who was sitting on the couch, "You two must be mighty proud, being able to slip out of her view." Crossbow grinned and put two arms behind his back and crossing the others. "Ve should vatch a movie, celebration."
Engie smiled warmly, he loved getting movies ready for everyone, so he quickly ran and told everyone else before speeding away to get it ready. Crossbow stood up and decided to go to Medic's lab. He took off all four gloves, vest, hat and glasses, keeping them in Medic's room. All four eyes squinted at the change of light and quickly adapted to the difference. He grinned and stretched out before walking out to the movie room with the other mercs. He sat down on the floor so his head wouldn't block anyone's view. Engie had chosen an old sci-fi movie where aliens abducted people. Spy was smoking in the corner, Demo had crossed his arms explaining how different the aliens looked, Soldier was listening carefully to Demo, Scout was scared out of his mind sucking his thumb behind Crossbow next to Heavy who was asking Crossbow questions about certain words. Pyro had walked into the room and sat on the floor next to Crossbow, ignoring the movie and just staring up at him.
Before halfway through the movie Crossbow's top eyes had closed, making his actions now controlled by Medic slow and heavy. He ended up sitting back on the couch and looking up at the ceiling, struggling to stay awake. Pyro nudged him awake and he jumped up, Sniper started screaming making Crossbow stand up. Everyone stopped and looked over to him while Engie quickly stopped the movie to rush over, "What's wrong?!" Crossbow backed up and hit the wall, smacking his head, "Stop it doc, you always do this!" Crossbow looked shocked and the two quickly un-fused. Medic just stared at sniper from the floor and sighed as Pyro rushed over to hug him. Sniper stood up and walked away, outside the base and to his van. Medic shook his head and smiled down weakly to Pyro silently muttering, "You're so varm.."

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