Interview with Author: Lydia161290 (Lydia)

Start from the beginning

Well TWC certainly became a hit, and I see that the sequel is already on it's way as well! Anyway, because you write for a hobby, does that mean you've never considered getting self-published or even contacting a publishing house?

        I'm wary about the whole publishing topic. I think it's every authors dream of publishing or being spotted by a publishing house. I have thought about self-publishing. But, I don't feel ready. For now, I am having fun chilling out, writing random books that pop up in my head and sharing them with Wattpad.

Out of curiousity, how would you go about handling a harsh critique that doesn't actually give any constructive help for improvement? Would you ignore it, or would you respond - and if so, how?

       If it's not constructive, and the person is just bashing me and violating Wattpad's Code of Conduct. I usually end up responding to that person, making them aware of the rules and letting them know that their comment was very unhelpful. I may do this with a lot of sarcasm. :D But I want a friendly experience on Wattpad, not a bad one. Lately, I have chosen to ignore those types of comments. I find them quite boring.

(I would as well, to be honest. Mainly because most of the time when you're sarcastic, none of them actually know you're being sarcastic which is highly amusing.) So, moving onto your other - but just as brilliant - stories, such as His To Keep. What was the inspiration for this story?

        (Yeah, I know :D haha) His to Keep was inspired by my other story Tomorrow and Forever. It was a re-try of horror and experimenting with different scenarios. The content on the book was made up on the spot though. I have given myself nightmares a few times with this book.

If you don't mind me asking, what type of nightmares?

      I once had a dream that a priest was chasing me through a forest, trying to stab me with a crucifix, this was after writing a chapter on His to Keep. Haha. Freaked me out when I woke up!

Did such dreams discourage you from writing, or do it only further inspire you to continue because you noticed the effect it has?

      They encourage me actually. My dreams inspire me. A lot of scenes in my books have come from my dreams.

What is it about the horror/thriller genre that you find so enticing and enjoyable?

      I think it's the no limitations thing that I like most, creating such disturbing people/plots without having to explain why or thinking that you're going too far. I like that. 

It does hold a certain appeal, doesn't it?

Do you read on Wattpad, and if yes, what type of stories do you read and can you state some examples/authors?

       It really does, it's fun being evil. I do read on Wattpad, I read before I go to sleep on my phone. I'm being a genre jumper at the moment. I've recently just read all of MakeandOffer's books. They're pure genius with humor. I've also been enjoying Cold_Lady's books and Natashapreston. I read anything really.

From your own experience on Wattpad, do you think it's a good place to get the honest constructive criticism that many young authors are looking for?

      From my own experience, no. It's not a good place to get honest feedback. It's very rare to get a serious critique on your books on Wattpad. I think I've had two and I've been here for years. It's fantastic for young authors just starting out.

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